13 - Bug Spray Is A Great Rescource

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I threw my shoe at him.


He let out a surprised yelp and dropped what I failed to notice he was holding in his hand. I just about fainted when I saw what it was.

A piece of crispy bacon. That I definitely didn't fry.

He caught the shoe and stared at me in horror as I advanced on him quickly. My stern expression then faded into an innocent smile and I leaned on the counter top next to him.

"So, what's the school's 'bad boy' doing in my kitchen?" I asked mockingly. "With my crispy pig-I mean bacon."

John cleared his throat and stood up straighter, cautiously keeping my trainer on the floor. "Your mum let me in."

I scoffed at that. "What, and along with that she encouraged you to help yourself to our food?" I asked sarcastically, my smile dropping. His eyes darted around nervously, as if expecting something to distract me from the situation-

"John, I'm home!"

My mum entered the kitchen a few moments after her voice resounded through the house. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw me, and I went over to give her a hug. I hadn't seen my mum a lot in past few days, when she'd come home I'd be asleep and when I woke up she'd usually be gone. It was lonely but most of the time I had Hugo to distract my thoughts from wandering elsewhere.

"Hey Mum." I said fondly when she let me go. I took the two carrier bags from her hands and kept them in the corner near the four other plastic bags. Wait, four others?

"Thanks again John, for helping me carry the groceries back." My mum said, turning her attention to him with a grateful smile. He responded with a genuine smile and nod while I was looking between the two with a confused expression.

"Honey, walk John back, yeah?" My mum told me, shooing us out of the kitchen. Reluctantly I obeyed, opening the front door and stepping into the cool breeze.

We silently walked down the pavement, and it wasn't a comfortable silence, it was that type of silence that happened after someone farted, before everyone started shouting in protest.

Just like I was about to do.

"You know I have bug spray, right?" I told him seriously. He just looked at me, his expression unchanging.

"Uh, well done?" He replied uncertainly. I ignored him.

"Ever since an incident that happened in Australia, I figured that I should carry at least some form of a weapon." I carried on, tapping my jean pocket where the small can was.

John's eyebrows furrowed. "Incident?"

I ignored him again. "So whenever a pest annoys me," I gave him a pointed look. "It's easy to blind them with the spray!" I finished off cheerfully.

There was a pause as John looked at me, half-amused and half-creeped out.

"Why are you telling me this, may I ask?" He replied, smirking slightly.

"Just for future reference." I said sweetly, and we stopped outside his house. He was about to say something when we heard someone shout from above us.

Looking up, we discovered it was Maisie sticking her head out of a window and screaming John's name- wait, backtrack.

There's so much wrong with that sentence.

Abruptly, her witch-like shrieks subsided and she drew her head back in. John and I exchanged 'what-the-hell' looks and shrugged. I felt relived knowing he had no idea why Maisie was in his house either.

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