12 - Never Startle The Burglar

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"I'm not sure about you, but that seemed much deeper than a staring contest." Brock said as we walked side by side down the hallway, escorted by the teachers.

I smiled slightly. "Yeah, it feels like I'm starting to get my best friend back." I glanced back at John who was arguing with the teacher who he'd been sitting with and winced.

"Well, a part of him." I told Brock and we just chuckled together. It was silent for a moment before Brock glanced at me, but didn't say anything. He did this a few more times until I grew irritated.

This time I waited until he glanced at me again, and when he did I was already close to his face, glaring at him. He stumbled back a few seconds in shock and I laughed.

"H-how did you do that?" He spluttered. I faked confusion.

"What, you mean calculating the amount of seconds between your continuous stares? Counting of course." I replied matter-of-factly. He just rolled his eyes and we resumed our walk.

"I kept looking at you because I was thinking of your situation," He started. I gestured for him to continue by waving my arms wildly. There was a pause where he just looked at me weirdly, then carried on.

"You guys should just talk about everything. Express your feelings, because you both seem to be walking on eggshells around each other." He explained as we turned a corner.

"I guess you're right, but it's not that simple." I simply said, biting my lip nervously. I trusted Brock, but I was unsure about telling him my concerns.

"I don't see anything complicated about it, if I'm honest. You're both single, you both like each other-"

"That's the thing!" I interrupted. "He's not single! Maisie is his girlfriend." I exclaimed. He stared at me with clear surprise.

"And that's why I'm so weary around him. I can't tell what his motives are." I said in a calmer but upset tone. "Just the other day, I saw him stumbled out of the janitor's closet, making out with a girl!" My voice was raised again.

"And you know the worst thing?" I whispered, and Brock leaned in close.

"They were both half-naked."

He gasped dramatically. "Absolutely scandalous!" He exclaimed, and I thought he was serious until he started laughing.

I hit his arm lightly, shaking m y head. The more I thought about it, I realised my reaction was quite exaggerated, as I shouldn't have expected less from the schools 'bad boy'.

"Oh, and by the way, Maisie and John broke up a few days after you made your appearance." Brock told me with a wink, and then walked into the boys toilet a few steps away from us.

I stood there, shocked, and took in my surroundings.

"Wait, where were we even walking to?" I asked myself, and then ran off to my class and I was extremely late.


On my journey home, I decided to call my sister Amber to update her on everything. After the news I received today I knew she was be furious if I didn't tell her this imperative information.

After a few dials she picked up, and I decided this was the perfect time to prank her, or at least attempt too.

"911, what's your emergency?" I asked in a monotone voice. All I received was silence from Amber, and I had to pull the phone away from me as I started laughing.

I brought the phone back to my ear, and repeated the question, grinning and added a little skip to my step, which resulted in me getting a strange look from an elderly woman passing me. I just winked at her and she gasped, as if offended and quickened her pace.

"My emergency is my baby sister Chloe may need to be admitted to a mental health institution seeing as she thinks she's a policewoman now." Amber replied in a dry tone. I just giggled.

"Just wanted to update you on my soap-opera of a life." I deadpanned and she chucked.

"Alright, but are you going to give a reminder? Previously, on Best Friends With The Bad Boy..." She trailed off in what I think was an attempted professional voice.

Then what she said actually sunk in, making me flabbergasted.

"'Best friends'?" I exclaimed, balancing my phone between my shoulder and neck as I unlocked my door.

"More like ex-best friends if you ask me. Actually, with that little 'do I know you' stunt he pulled the other day, I'd go as far as saying we're ex-strangers." I finished, and Amber made that weird clicking noise with her tongue.

"Ex strangers? As in when you see someone in the street you acknowledge seeing them, and let's say a week later you see them again, you recognise them. Ex-strangers are like that, but backwards. The second time you see them, you pretend you didn't." Was my brilliant explanation.

There was a short pause.

"Amber, I have to call you back- JANET HONEY NO! DON'T BRING THAT MOUSE NEAR ME!" There was a scream and a peal of laughter then the phone cut off.

I smiled to myself as I walked into the living room and kept my bag on the couch. I stretched my arms, looking around and thinking of what to do.

Homework maybe? My subconscious reminded. I snorted and walked to the kitchen, only to get the shock of my life.

On the other side of the kitchen, near my fridge, was a tall male figure with his back facing me? He seemed to be so occupied with something he didn't hear me come in. I internally panicked, not knowing what I was supposed to do.

I looked around me for a weapon but ended up taking off one of my trainers and holding that casually.

"You know, if you're here to take our money, I'll gladly search with you." I offered, shrugging. The figure tensed and slowly turned around, so I saw his face.

I thought I was shocked before. Now I was absolutely stupefied.

This is because standing before me was the one and only... John Allen.


I KNOW I said no more cliffhangers but I couldn't resist!

But don't worry, as you're reading this I'm writing the next chapter! I actually woke up at 5:30AM but a burst of inspiration took over and... Yeah.

I know it's a short chapter, but I just wanted to update to at least give you guys SOMETHING. So here it is!

Vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter! Also, comment what you think is going to happen next. ;)

Have a nice week x

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