Chapter 2 - The meeting

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Killian's POV

I was walking back from the tavern where my crew and I were that afternoon. I had business to attend to back on my ship as we were leaving port in the morning and as Capitan I needed to prepare the hold and make sure everything was stocked and secure.

"HELP," what was that. I looked around for the source of the plea but couldn't locate it.
"SOMEONEPLEASE HELP ME" I heard it again, it sounded like a woman's voice. Even from a distance I could make out the desperation and disgust laced into her tone.
"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME." I was running now the pleas for help getting louder until I reached an abandoned boathouse near where my ship was docked.

I don't know why I wanted to help, usually I would just leave something like this and go back to my ship to mind my own business but the last thing my brother told me to do was to always trust my gut, and my gut was telling me to help.

I burst through the door and saw a drunken man probably only just left the tavern pushed up against a fully sober and distressed woman who was tied up with her hands behind her back. 

They both turned to stare at me, the man in horror and the woman in relief.

Emma's POV

Relief flooded over me when I heard the door to the place where this brute was holding me burst open. I had almost given up hope of rescue, the dagger I had was in my satchel on the other side of the room. 

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF THE LASS" shouted the man that burst in just now.

"Now why would I take orders from you?" The brute seemed to have regained his cool after the moment of fear when the man burst in.

That's when the mystery man drew a sword I hadn't noticed was at his hip before now. "Because I don't want to get my hands dirty but I will. Now scram!" The stranger spat. 

The drunk seemed scared of this man. Like the stranger would kill him if he walked past him to leave. The next thing he did surprised me and not in a good way. He pulled a knife out of his boot and stabbed it straight through the palm of my hand. As I screamed out in pain the brute ran as the stranger rushed over to come and help me.

Killian's POV

He looked scared of me, which he should be. He bent down to his boot, as I stood in the doorway and pulled a knife out. I went to block his attack with my sword but he turned to the woman instead the next thing I know she is screaming out in pain and I'm running to help her, letting the man get away and surprising myself whilst doing so.

"Are you alright love" I say as I run over to her. I know that was a stupid question since she is obviously not ok.

"Yes thanks I'm perfectly fine I just got stabbed in the hand and a drunk guy just tried to... well you know." She said sarcastically. She looked up at me for the first time I saw her face. I swear my heart jumped out of my chest!

She had long golden hair that looked a little dull in the poor light but dazzling at the same time. I wondered what it would look like in the sun. Her eyes were emerald green and I felt myself getting lost in them. Her skin was pale but her cheeks were a bit rosy I don't know if she is blushing or they are always that way. 

"Er...Em...Thank you. For...Er... saving me." She said whilst looking at me with her piercing emerald eyes.

Emma's POV

I looked down at my hand in utter pain and then heard the stranger kneel down beside me and ask me If I was ok. If it didn't hurt so much I would have laughed right in his face.

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