Chapter 26 - Freedom

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Emma's POV


It's a trick. There is no way he can be alive.

"Emma. Open your eyes."

My eyes are squeezed tightly shut. I don't want to see his body. My hand is still stretched out in front of my face. I can't move. It's a trick, I remind myself.

"Emma. Please love. It's ok. Please. Don't be frozen too."

Frozen? What does he mean frozen.

I slowly open my eyes. Squinting a bit from the light but quickly overcoming it because my eyes hadn't been shut for that long.

I'm staring straight into Killian's sea blue eyes. Eyes filled with life. He's not dead! I look in front of him and there are arrows suspended in mid air. Frozen, inches from his chest.

Looking around I noticed everything was frozen! All of the people, my parents, Neal, everything except for Killian, Leia and the crew (and me of course.)

Killian was still tied to the pole and the others were all chained up.

How strange. How had this happened? Never mind I don't care, fate has given me a chance and I don't know how long it is going to last but I'm going to take it.

I act quickly and race down the steps and bound straight up the ones to the platform where Killian was standing expectantly. I went straight to his bindings behind his back and started to loosen them, still half expecting to wake up and find his lifeless body in front of me. 

"You never told me you had magic, Swan." He states out of breath. Wait, hang on a minute,  magic? Where did he get that idea from? After what seems like hours, I finish  unbinding his wrists and turn round to face him.

"I don't have magic?" I say, but it came out more of a question than a statement.

"Yes, you do! Your father shouted fire and you shouted stop and a light shot out of your hands and then everything ground to a halt except for us. You have magic love, and not just any magic, powerful magic, it looks like you just froze time!"

I have magic? My parents always told me it was evil. That anyone who had it was a monster just like the evil queen. Was I evil? Were they right? Was Killian afraid of me?

I looked at him. Searched his eyes but all I saw was love. This man never doubts me or fears me he always believes in me and has never once not been a gentleman with me. That is why I love him.

"I-I didn't know." I say quietly.

"It's ok love. I'll help you as best I can. I always will." He whispered comfortingly while pulling me towards him for a hug which I happily sink into instantly. I missed this, I rest my head in the crook of his neck and let a few tears fall onto his skin.

He pulls back and wipes my tears away.

"You don't need to cry Swan, It's ok, I'm here now and I'm not ready to die yet. " He whispers, comforting my troubled mind.

Our lips are so close I can feel his breath on my face. I just want to kiss him but I need to talk to him first.

"I thought I was going to lose you." I said hoarsely.

"Me too but we're ok now. We're together and nothing is going to change that. I'm never letting you go again."

"I love you so much." I choke out, crying again now.

"I love you too." He says, a few stray tears falling from his beautiful eyes.

I can't resist anymore and my lips find his in a slow tender kiss. It feels like years since we did this and I couldn't be happier right now.

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