Chapter 24 - Losing Hope

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3rd person POV

A great deal has been happening in the castle of Misthaven over the past two weeks. Much of it involves the wedding preparations and the entire kingdom is ablaze with the excitement for the royal wedding of Princess Emma and Prince Neal. The servants are excited for something else though, something that isn't yet officially public knowledge. The news of a new addition to the royal family, for the royal couple are expecting a baby. 

On a darker note, excitement was also around because of the execution of the pirates in the dungeon. They were to be hung a day before the wedding as punishment for the attempted murder of the king a few years ago and the recent kidnapping of the princess.  

Everyone is exited for the baby to arrive and the wedding to take place and even the execution. That day has finally arrived. Tomorrow the execution will commence and the day after that, the wedding. But not everyone is excited! Princess Emma's mother and her Lady's maid have noticed that Emma has been distant, something they know must be due to wedding day jitters, its only natural really. Only this isn't the reason, she wasn't nervous for the wedding she did not want it to happen at all and she intended to do everything in her power to stop not only the wedding but the execution as well! 

Emma's POV 

"Princess are you ready for your final dress fitting?" I hear my maid ask. In all honesty no! I'm not ready, I don't even want to marry the guy so why would I want to go to a dress fitting which will just remind me of how unfair the world is.

"Yes of course." I tell her despite my disgust at the idea. 

She leads me out of my chambers and down the hallway with guards following close behind as usual. I can hear her chattering in my ear about the dress and the wedding and what a beautiful bride I will be and how Neal will love the dress. I fought the urge to say 'well at least that makes one of us' because the dress is actually hideous.

I stopped listening to her after that, I couldn't keep my mind from worrying about Killian. I hope he's ok and not too badly hurt. I haven't seen him or Leia since I went down to tell them my plan and I can only hope they are holding up ok. 

"I wonder what your baby will be called?" I hear my maid say next to me. That snaps my attention back to her. 

"What did you say?" I asked her. 

"Your baby, princess. What will you name it if it's a boy?" She asks me. In all the craziness I have not given any thought to baby names. I want to talk it over with Killian first he should be a part of this.

"I don't know I like the name Liam." I tell her because that's Killian's brothers name and I know he would suggest it if we had a boy. "What do you think mother will name my sibling?" I ask her changing the subject. 

"Oh I don't know probably after one of her parents." She answers cheerily. She opened her mouth to say something else but was interrupted by my mother. 

"Emma, Finally! We are waiting for you. Come on." She says running up to me and dragging me into the fitting room. 'We' of course being her and the dress fitter. 

I know the drill by now I've done this thousands of times for this gown alone not to mention all of the gowns I've been fitted for in the past. My mother hands me the dress and I go into the dressing room and change into it, then I walk over to the platform in the middle of the room and stand to attention while my dress fitter and Snow drone on and on about the wedding and the execution and both children and how they will be really good friends. I'm sure they would be if I was planning on staying but I'm not. We're leaving tomorrow and nothing is going to stop me. 

(The pic in media is her wedding dress.)

The next morning

Don't panic! You have gone over the plan millions of times by now and nothing is going to go wrong. You are all going to get out of here and then you're going to sail into that future far away from all of this. 

Going over it one more time wont hurt will it? 

Last night you went down and disabled all of the ships except for the Roger and they won't realise until they try to use the disabled ships. 

When your mother comes to collect you she will find you in your gown that she picked for the execution, then you will get half way down the hallway and realise you have forgotten something. You will then insist she goes on without you and that you will be fine. Then you dip into one of the secret passages that will take you to the dungeon and tell the guards there has been a change of plans, knock them out while they're distracted and then get the hell out of here! 

Ok panic over. You've got this! 

I walk over to the hanging gown and change into it. It is black, which is fitting. I'm glad they didn't give me a colourful dress, that would just make things so much worse. The bodice had an intricate golden pattern and the sleeves were long and flared at the wrist.

 The bodice had an intricate golden pattern and the sleeves were long and flared at the wrist

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I was abruptly pulled away from my thoughts by a knock on the door. I knew that must be my mother. Here goes nothing! I opened my door and walked out of my chambers to my fate.

"Emma! You look amazing honey." She tells me as I exit the room for what I know to be the last time. 

"Thankyou mother!" I say in reply.

She takes my hand and pulls me in the direction of the courtyard. Why is she taking me that way? The place where we usually hang people is in the opposite direction. No! They need to be hung at the back of the castle or the plan won't work. Why are we going this way??!

"Mother, I thought we were hanging them, why are we going this way?" I ask trying to keep calm. 

"Oh. Sorry Emma! I don't know, what I was thinking." I felt myself breathe for a minute, when she started talking again. "I forgot to tell you, our usual executioner that specialises in hanging has fallen ill at the last minute and we've had to change our plans. They're going to be shot instead." 

NO! This cannot be happening, everything's falling apart. There's no way I'm going to be able to get them out if we're in the courtyard. My family is going to die and it's all going to be my fault. 

What am I going to do? All hope is lost and I don't have a plan. 

A/N: I AM SO SORRY! I've been on holiday for 2 weeks and then I went on a summer camp with my theatre group so I have had barely any time to proof read this. I'm free for a while now so I should be back to regular updates soon. Please tell me what you thought of this chapter and I will be back with another one fairly soon I'm half way through writing it since I did it on my notes on my phone on holiday. 

Bye for now


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