Chapter 32 - Welcome to the family

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6 months later

Third person POV

Click. Click. Click. 

"Can you stop pacing, I'm sure they're doing fine."

"What if there not!"

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" The screams radiate down the halls bouncing off the walls in Emma's unmistakeable voice. 

Regina cringes stopping her pacing hating that she can hear her friend in pain and that she can do nothing to help. She is also very aware of the fact that Robin and her will be in the same predicament as Emma and Killian some time in the not so distant future. 

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhh" The lights flicker and a few bulbs shatter, Regina had been teaching Emma to control her magic but considering the amount of pain she must be going through there was obviously no way to stop it going haywire. 

Meanwhile in the labour room, Killian's hand was starting to go numb, not that he had noticed or cared for that matter. He was much more focused on trying to numb Emma's pain even just a little.


"Your doing great Swan just one more push, one more push. It's almost over. I promise."

Emma's heavy breathing filled his ears but at least it wasn't her screams, he thought.

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Spoke too soon. 

Then the screams stopped, well Emma's screams, instead they were replaced by the unmistakeable cries of a baby. The doctor (Whale) had the baby in his arms wrapping it in the white blanket that Regina and Robin had bought for the Jones baby.

Whale handed the baby to Emma with the words, "It's a girl." 

Emma smiled in wonder at the little life they had created, the cries of the child ceasing when she opened her eyes and looked at her mother for the first time. Emma felt a hand stroking her hair and looked up to see her true love smiling back at her and as Killian flopped down beside her, looking almost as exhausted as she felt, he looked at the baby with the same wonder that Emma had in her eyes.  

"She has your eyes love." Killian states, leaning towards Emma and kissing the top of her head.  

"She does." The tears slide down Emma's cheeks. "I think she'll have your hair, it looks dark."

"She'll be perfect no matter what she looks like."

"She's already perfect." 

Their conversation was cut short by some nurses coming in and saying that they needed to move them to a different room and check on the baby. Emma was hesitant at first but with a nod from Killian she handed them her baby and they left with promises that they would bring her back soon. 

Emma was helped into a wheelchair and moved to a different room with Killian accompanying her. She was helped into a bed, Killian sitting beside her. When they were settled and alone (they had given the nurses instructions to tell Regina and Robin that they were ok but that they wanted 15 minutes or so alone with the baby) Emma and Killian just looked at each other, both thinking the same 2 things. One of them being 'We did it, we have a daughter and she's beautiful' and the other being ' How the hell are we gonna do this parenting thing?

"What are we going to call her, Killian?" They had thought of a few names, boys names and girls names seeing as they decided to keep the gender a secret. Killian had suggested Alice after his mother and Emma did like that, Emma had suggested Ava or Ruth after her grandmothers.  They both liked the name Mary but quickly ruled that out when they ran into Snow's friend Red in Granny's (She co-owns it) and Emma doesn't know how she didn't figure it out herself as she pointed out that Mary was Snow's code name when the two of them first met. 

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