Chapter 9 - Set up

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A/N: The girl in the picture is Leia.

Emma's POV

I woke up on the Roger. Feeling the boat rock beneath me is calming. Every morning on this ship brings a smile to my face. It means that this wasn't all just a wonderful dream, that I'm actually free. 

I get up still smiling and get dressed. Leia gave me a few of her clothes so I don't have to wear the same dirty ones all the time. Leia and I have actually become quite good friends since we are the only girls on the ship. She's really nice and funny. In the corner of my room there is an adjoining door to her cabin. I'm just about to knock on it when it swings open at full force, hitting me in the face and revealing the captains sister on the other side.

"Ow. That really hurt." I say rubbing my forehead.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to hit you I just heard you up and I need to talk to you." She says all this so fast that the only thing I make out is: "Sorry need to talk."  What could be so urgent that she had to hit me in the head with a door first thing in the morning?

"Ok" I say hesitantly. "What do u want to talk about?"

Her face erupts into a smile. "You and my brother last night." Wait, WHAT! She can't have seen us. NO! There is no us. She can't have seen him and me. Oh no! another thought occurred to me, did she hear me tell him that I'm a princess? 

"Wh-What?" Is all I manage to get out. 

"I saw you and him last night you were both asleep on deck, you had your arms around each other and you had your head on his shoulder." She says with a smile so big I think her little face might explode any second. When I stay silent she says. "SO?"

"So what?" 

"Tell me everything."

"About you and Killian last night!" Leia is practically bouncing off the walls.

"There is no 'me and Killian'. He's my captain that's all there is."

"You can't seriously stand there and tell me you don't feel anything for him." I blushed at that. I tried to stop it but I couldn't. "See, You like him and I know he likes you." I need to get out of this conversation. 

"We need to go up on deck, there's work to be done and this ship isn't going to sail it's self." I say turning on my heel and going up the stairs to the top deck.

Leia's POV

She like him. She likes him. She likes him. Personally I don't understand why! I mean he's a cocky, arrogant plonker and he stinks. Hang on, I don't think she knows she likes him.  

I have to fix this. Time to go and talk to my brother. Knowing him he will either be shouting orders on deck or sleeping like a baby in his quarters. I decide to check his quarters first since there are really close. 

I  get to the door and open it, sure enough he is still sleeping, snoring lightly, far too peaceful. A cheeky smile creeps onto my face as I grab a book off his desk and walk swiftly over to his bed. I lift the book in the air and give him a good smack on the back of the head with it. He jolts awake and I burst out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

"Bloody hell woman! I think you've given me a concussion." He shouts, rubbing the side of his head and scowling. I swear this man has a mental age of 5. 

"I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself you looked so peaceful I had to ruin it, that's what siblings are for." I say in between giggles.

"It's not funny you woke me up from a very lovely dream." An inquisitive smile plays on my face at that comment, he doesn't usually have nice dreams. 

"What were you dreaming about? Emma?" I question hoping he will accepts his feelings and tell me he likes her. 

"Wh- how-I mean NO I WAS NOT DREAMING ABOUT ANYTHING OF THE SORT HOW DARE YOU INSINUATE SUCH A THING!" He shouts trying to sound scary but instead sounding flustered. He was definitely dreaming of Emma. 

"Sorry, sorry I didn't mean to give you a concussion I just came here to tell you to get up." I have an idea. "Just meet me on deck tonight when it gets dark." With that I left and went up to the deck to find Emma. 

An hour later my plan was all set now all I had to do was wait for nightfall. 

Killian's POV -Nightfall-

I'm waiting on deck for my sister wondering why she had said to meet her at nightfall. I feel my mind flick back to my dream that I was so rudely awakened from. It really was wonderful. I was living in a house on the hillside with Emma. It was blue and white and had a turret like room on the side and a big yard with 2 girls playing in it that I could only assume were ours. There was a wedding photo on the mantel of me and Emma and we seemed happy. Life was really good. That was before someone hit me over the head with a bloody book. 

I heard the door to below deck open, then footsteps and then I heard it close. Leia. Finally that woman took forever. 

"Finally I thought you weren't gonna show." I said not turning round.

"Killian?" I heard from behind me. It was a female voice but it wasn't my sisters. It could only be Emma. That's when I turned around. I hadn't seen her much today I think we both avoided each other. She looked beautiful her soft hair waving in the breeze and framing her perfect face. 

"Emma?" What was she doing here?

"Do you know where Leia is? she was supposed to meet me here." She asks. Hang on a minute, Leia was supposed to meet me here, its starting to make sense, the little...she set us up. I sighed. Should have known.

"She must have set us up." Just then Emma whips her head round to face the door, pulling hard on the handle but it didn't open.

"LEIA!" She shouted. 

"Locked?" I asked. 

"Yep." She responded.

She walks over to me . "I guess we should make the most of it."

"Aye, I could teach you how to navigate the stars if you want."

"I'd like that."

We talked for hours, not only about the stars but our parents, our childhood, anything and everything. I found out that she has a superpower that she can tell when anyone is lying. I tested it and it works. 

We were sat in the crows nest in a comfortable silence. I was looking at her. She truly did look like the princess she was. I knew that she could take my head off if she wanted to but that just made her more beautiful. 

She turned to look at me and caught me staring. She blushed and looked down. "What?" She questioned.

"Nothing I er... your just so beautiful." Oh no you did not just say that Jones. You are an idiot. What's she going to think now? That you only let her in the crew because she's pretty. "I er I mean I-" 

She cut me off by leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine. It was quick. She pulled away almost instantly. 

"Sorry. I shouldn't have done that I-"

This time I was the one who cut her off. I reached over and pulled her close, pressing her lips to mine. She didn't pull away this time, she just melted into me.  Our lips moved in sync and at some point our tongues touched. I didn't want it to end and judging by her reaction, neither did she!  It felt like we were kissing for the entire night and I wasn't complaining.

A/N: Ahhhhhhhh. They finally kissed! Leia is such a captain swan shipper. Thought you guys deserved another chapter sooner because I didn't update for ages. Don't know when I will be able to update next but I will try get another chapter up soon.

Bye for now


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