Chapter 6 - The duel

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Killian's POV

"And you get your sister" I just stood there in shock. He had found her. How? I hid her in Greenflower Port's village with a fake identity and Greenflower Port is the least pirate friendly place. Its the last place he would think to look.

He must have noticed the look on my face because he gave me an evil laugh and said "You didn't think you could hide her from me did you? Where ever you hide her I will find her" 

That's when I found my voice again "Let her go. NOW!" 

"I told you the way to get her back. Now do we have a deal?"

"No Killian don't do it you can't bet the Roger. You can't bet your ship." Leia (my sister) shouted from Blackbeard's ship. She doesn't care about the ship she just doesn't want me to get hurt.

"Deal." I said and then Blackbeard's face broke into an evil grin

"NO" Leia screamed 

I brought my sword up to his like I did with Emma around half an hour ago.

"I win, you give her back and sail away? No funny business?"

"No funny business."

I didn't particularly believe him but I needed my sister back. I don't want to think what that twisted man did to her. 

He took the first swing which I blocked with ease. I took the next one which, much to my disappointment he also blocked. I didn't think it was going to be that easy anyway. 

Emma's POV

The rest of the crew are fully concentrated on the fight going on between their captain and the rival one. Although all I can concentrate on is the girl on Blackbeard's ship. Captain Jones' sister. Leia Jones. Who he is risking his ship for. No one said it but I knew what would happen to us if he lost. He would be killed and we would all suffer the same fate if we didn't pledge allegiance to Blackbeard. So he was also risking his life for her too. 

My father had some run in with him when I was 18. He came home after trying to catch him and his crew to 'protect the kingdom from ruthless pirates' and he was hurt. Surprise surprise Jones got away. I wasn't angry because I knew if they were caught they would have been killed and my father wasn't dead so no lives were lost. 

At that nights evening meal he lectured me that if I ever had any run in with any pirate, I should run as fast and as far as I possibly can. He told me that Captain Jones was dangerous because he cared about no one but himself and therefore had no weakness. 

But here he is offering me a spot on his crew giving me a ticket to freedom. Buying me clothes. Laying down his life for his sister who he clearly cares about. My father was wrong. Maybe  he does care about someone other than himself? 

CLANG. CLANG. The clanging of swords brought me back to the fight it looked like Captain Jones was winning but I didn't want to let out the breath that I just realised I was holding yet,  just in case. I don't know why but I have complete faith in my captain. I 've only been aboard his ship for a day but I know he is a talented swordsman and I know he can beat Blackbeard. Blackbeard's form is slipping and he is getting tired. 

Just when I think we have won, Blackbeard does something really shocking. "NOW" He shouts to his crew and all of them except the one who is holding the captains sister grab a rope and swing across to the Roger. They all pick a crew member and start fighting, shocking all of the Jolly Roger's crew and giving Blackbeard's crew the upper hand. I hear the captain shout "BAD FORM!" before an old crew member with a fair few teeth missing and a drawn sword comes up to me and says   "Captain Jones is letting wenches into his crew now is he? or are you just for company?" I draw my sword quickly because I can tell he is not expecting it, disarm him and hit him on the head with the hilt of mine. Whilst he is blacking out I spit "I am not for company and I am certainly no tavern wench" Then I join in the fight.

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