Chapter 20-Reunions

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Killian's POV

Emma. One of the only 2 people alive today I love. Emma. My true love. Emma. The princess of Misthaven. Emma. My happy ending. 

Emma. Was she suffering like I was? Emma, was I ever going to see her again? Emma, will we ever get our happy ending? Emma, I love you more than you'll ever know.

Leia. My sister Leia. The other person alive that I love. Leia, I never meant to hurt you. Leia, please tell me that they haven't sentenced you to death too. 

That was the last thing I thought as I blacked out, the taste of blood in my mouth and the thought of my true love in my mind.

Emma's POV 

1 week later 

I still haven't been able to go and see Killian. I feel like I'm suffocating without knowing what's going to happen to him. What's already happened to him. I have no plan and I'm panicking. The shouting of the crew all around me as we make port, sounds in my head but not the voices I am familiar with, different ones. A different crew on the ropes of the Jolly Roger, it didn't feel right. It's not right. 

I've been sick all week just thinking about the death of my true love. I told my father its sea sickness but I have never been sick at sea before now. I need Killian. 

I need him but the security on the brig is high. I have no chance at getting to him, even if I took all of them out someone else would see and alert everyone on the ship and then my father would find me in the brig with 'the worst pirate in all of the realms' probably engaged in some sort of display of affection and my plan or the part of the plan I have would be ruined. 

If I can see that he isn't hurt when we get off the ship maybe I would be able to sleep without being plagued with images of Killian and Leia hurting. 

"Princess, we have successfully docked. You and your father will go up to the palace straight away. Your mother and fiancé are waiting for you." A guard softly says putting an arm on my shoulder. 

I turn around from my place looking out at the ocean and give the guard a small smile before walking off the ship I had learned to call home.

Crumbling. That's the only word to describe how I'm feeling. Crumbling apart. 

I haven't really spoken much over the past week. My father's worried about me but let him worry! He is the cause of my pain. I don't feel anything anymore just pain, all I know is that I need to get my family out of the palace dungeons and fast, I've seen what the guards do to people down there and it's not a pretty sight. 

I didn't even really notice that I had climbed into the carriage and that we were already half way to the castle until my father spoke, 

"Emma, honey." 

"Yes father?" I politely replied keeping any emotion from my voice. 

"What did they do to you?" He asked barely above a whisper, questioning me for the first time. Over the course of the last week he has stopped himself from asking the question that he so badly wanted to know the answer to. He had obviously had enough. 

I looked at him, the emotionless mask still secure on my face. What was I going to tell him?

"I don't want to talk about it." I simply stated. 

"Emma please. I'm your father, talk to me." He was not letting this go.

"I'm home now father and I don't have to worry about it ever happening again. Please I just want to forget about it." I said hoping that would do the trick. It seemed to work because he nodded and sat back in his seat. I resumed looking out of the window trying to come up with a plan of how I was going to break them out. 

Snow's POV

As the royal carriage pulled up outside the grand entrance of the palace, my heart pounded in my chest. I received a letter from David after he had found Emma, telling me that they would be home soon but there was no more detail. 

After the ball at Greenflower David set off to trail Captain Jones and I went back to Misthaven because we couldn't leave it for long without a ruler. I was worried when I didn't hear from him for 3 weeks but then I received a letter that he and Emma were on their way home.

The letter didn't give much detail to Emma's heath and I had no idea how badly my baby princess was hurt. I had Doc ready to give her serious medical attention if she needed it. 

Neal was stood next to me, the poor thing was worried sick about her the whole time she was missing. If she is hurt, Captain Jones is going to suffer a lot of pain at Neal's hand and most likely mine as well.

The doors to the palace opened and Emma and David walked into the castle. When they walked closer when I could see them properly my mouth dropped open in shock. 

She was fine. Not a scratch that I could see. I thought there would be some sort of injury. What did he do to her? When I got a good look at her face the first thing I noticed was that there was a stone cold expression on it. The smile she usually wore was replaced by a scowl and her jaw was clenched. The spark of light and curiosity in her eyes was now dull and she just looked right through me.

I walked up to her and put my hands on her cheeks. 

"You're ok!" I exclaimed. 

"Yes mother I'm fine." She replied coldly. Why would she talk to me like that? I am her mother, I brought her into this world she should be grateful. 

"Emma?" Neal breathed beside me. Her head turned to him. I expected her face to light up and for her to jump into his arms and tell him how much she missed him. 

Instead she just looked at him. Her face was blank and showed no emotion. She didn't even crack a smile. What has he done to her? She made no move to go to him. It was like she didn't even know who he was. It brought tears to my eyes just seeing her like this.

"Emma it's me. It's Neal." He said with desperation. He must be breaking inside.

"I know who you are." was all that she said. Her head turned to me again.

"Where are you keeping the pirates?" She asked

"Oh honey you don't have to worry about that." I assured her.

"Where are you keeping the pirates?" She asked again. 

"The dungeons. Don't worry they will be under maximum security until their execution. We haven't decided a date yet but we will soon." David answers for me. Her mask falters for a second it's so quick that if you blinked you would have missed it and I could have sworn I saw a hint of sadness in her eyes. She wouldn't be sad about the fate of those dirty pirate's though! Surely I must have imagined it. 

Emma nodded and started to walk away but before she reached the grand staircase she stopped and said "I'm going to my room to bathe." She paused and turned around looking at us and continued, "I need to get the stench of Pirate out of my clothing." She added, almost choking as she said the word pirate. 

The next thing I knew she was walking up the staircase and then she disappeared round the corner. 

"From now on you will never let my daughter out of your sight. There will be 2 guards stationed at the door to her chambers at all times and they will have the only key to her balcony. 2 of you will escort her everywhere she goes, am I clear?" David asks the guards that were standing by us. 

"Yes sire. She will not leave our sight." One of them replies. 

A/N: Please don't kill me I'm sorry. I cried writing this chapter. I don't really have much else to say so thankyou for reading this chapter and commenting and voting maybe. It means a lot. 

Bye for now


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