Chapter 11 - Middle-mist Port

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Snow's POV

We still hadn't heard anything about Emma. Not since Blackbeards visit. Poor Neal is worried sick. I'm worried sick. 

We have all but one of our ships out looking for her, for The Jolly Roger. The pirates will pay I just hope Emma isn't suffering. I just hope my baby still has hope that we are coming to find her. Charming wishes that he had continued to teach her how to fight and then maybe she wouldn't have been kidnapped. I just hope she remembers the lessons we taught her about never giving up hope.

Just as I'm thinking this a messenger bird appears on my open window. I take the letter from the metal ring on its foot and just hope with all my being that its something about my daughter. 

It isn't. Its a letter from my friend Red. 

Red is my best friend, she lives with her Granny. We met while I was on the run from the evil queen, I helped her and in return she helped me. She's a werewolf. At wolves time she turns into a wolf unless she is wearing her red hood. She used to live in the port town near our castle until the townspeople found out about the wolf inside her and threatened her. They poured a potion on her not knowing what it did, turns out it stopped her from ageing so she is now the same age as Emma. I offered to set them straight but she said she would rather move. So she did and now she lives a 2 day boat journey away. 

I opened her letter and read it. 


I am really sorry to have to tell you this but the people in my current village have found out about my secret. I have to move on again and Granny and I have realised that wherever we go this is going to hang over us. Granny has acquired a magic bean and we have come to learn of a land nicknamed the realm of second chances. We intend to go at nightfall . Maybe there I can have a life. I hate to leave you but I have to do this. 

Dearest regards,


I don't know how to feel about this. Its for her own best interest but I've already lost my daughter now I'm going to lose my best friend too.

Leia's POV

Emma opens the door to her cabin, she is smiling at someone who is standing out in the hallway and I assume it's my brother. I'm sitting on her bed as she turns around and leans against the door with her eyes closed, still smiling contentedly. 

"SO! How was it?" I ask her excitedly, making her jump.

"You're still awake? And in my cabin?" She asks. 

"I wanna hear everything about the night, What did you talk about? Where did you sit? Was there a goodnight kiss? Actually scrap that last one I don't want to know."

Emma smiled and rolled her eyes at me "I really need to go to sleep can we talk about it in the morning?" 

I knew what she was doing and it wasn't going to work. We would be too busy making port in the morning to talk. "No we are talking now. We will be too busy in the morning and you know that." 

"Ok fine."

She sat on her bed next to me and told me about the night. I was so excited that she had finally accepted she liked him and by the sounds of things he had done the same. They were together. When she got near the end of her story she told me he asked her to spend time with him tomorrow, when we dock, just the two of them and that she had said yes. 

"Aghhh" I squealed like a little girl "Do you have anything to wear?" 

"No I don't I hadn't thought of that." She said looking worried. "Do you have anything I could wear?" 

"No I don't wear nice dresses I'm a pirate." I said thoughtfully.

"I guess I will just wear something like this then." She said.

"No we will go and buy you something nice before you meet up with him tomorrow, knowing Killian he will need about an hour to set up whatever he's planning."

"Thanks Leia you're a really good friend."

"No problem. That's what friends are for."

"What, locking you up somewhere with their brother until you get together?" She said and I laughed and replied,

"Yep." After that I got up and went to my cabin. I got into my bed and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Emma's POV 


I woke up with a smile on my face. Today we made port, Killian and I spent some time together. Killian and I, why did that sound so good? 

I got up and pulled on some black leather trousers (Pants), a long-sleeved white top and a detailed black vest. I left the blue coat and the accessories in the box that Leia had given to me. Accessories weren't my thing anymore and the coat was too small. (Picture in media minus the jacket and accessories.) 

After I got dressed I headed up to the deck. There was lots of shouting and it was busier than usual but what did I expect! The first person I focused on was Killian, he was standing at the helm looking as handsome as ever and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. 

Someone came up behind me then and whispered in my ear "You're staring." I jumped but instantly recognised the voice as Leia's. I turned round to face her still smiling. "Sorry." I mumbled. 

"Don't be sorry, It's cute." She said smirking.

"I am not cute!" 

"I think my brother would disagree. Oh by the way your not the only one who's staring." She pointed to Killian and then ran off to help with something. I turned around to see he was in fact staring. I couldn't help but blush and smile at him.

He smiled back at me and motioned for me to come over. As I walked over to him I started thinking about tonight. Where he may be taking me, what do we do on a pirate night out? I doubt it will be anything like the nights out with the suitors that my parents tried to set me up with. They were dreadful! I really don't care as long as I'm with Killian alone. I really hope Leia doesn't follow us and watch. I better talk to her about that. 

I snap out of my trance and head up the last steps to the helm where Killian is. 

"Hello Swan you look beautiful as per usual." He says as I arrive and stand next to him. My cheeks turn a deeper shade of crimson and I can tell that he is pleased he can make me blush like that as he smirks.

"Thank you Captain you don't look too bad yourself." He turned to face me and his face became serious and a little worried.

"You don't regret last night do you?" He asks.

"Do you?" I say.

He hesitates, reading my face before he answers carefully. "No" I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding and my face gives way to another smile.

"Good neither do I."

He smiles too and opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by the crew member in the crows nest shouting, "Land ahoy." 

"Well Swan I have to get back to it, we'll talk after we make port successfully. If you want something to do you can help Leia." He says and I smile and nod.

Never in a million years would I have believed you a year ago if you had told me that I was going to be courting Captain Jones but it happened and I'm glad it did.  

A/N: Hey oncers I was going to make this longer but I decided to split it into 2 parts because it was too long. I have started school again so there is going to be less frequent updates I'm sorry for that but I will try and update again as soon as possible. I already have plans for a sequel which I am really exited about so tell me if that's something you guys want to see.

Bye for now


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