Chapter 19 - Home sweet prison

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Emma's POV

My eyes locked with my fathers and I saw them fill with relief and happiness as he ran over to me forgetting all about his earlier rage. He put away his sword and slowed down to a slow walk almost as if not believing I was alive. 

My face stayed emotionless. A mask you couldn't see through because although on the outside I looked calm on the inside I was braking apart. My gaze shifted to Killian. He looked at me scared. I had never seen him look like that. I know why, if I don't play this right he is going to die and I will be unhappy for the rest of my life knowing that the one chance I had to be happy was ruined because of my poor choices.

I then looked at Leia. As relieved as she looked that her brother wasn't dead and as grateful as she was at the fact that I had saved his life, hurt and betrayal flashed in her eyes. I had kept her from the fight. I had caused my father to come here and although she didn't blame me I blamed myself. She was mad at me I knew that but I also knew that once she had spoken to Killian she wouldn't be. That was if she got the chance to talk to Killian before, before...

NO! Don't think about that. That will NOT! happen. 

I am brought crashing back to the present by my fathers hand on my cheek. I look straight at him and see that he has tears in his eyes. A pang of guilt tugs at my heart-strings, I have caused him and my mother pain while I was away. They thought that I was hurt and they probably didn't sleep. No Emma, you don't have to apologise for wanting to be happy, for wanting to have a life. They brought this upon themselves the moment they forced you into a marriage you didn't want.

"Emma?" He whispered disbelievingly. 

What am I going to do? OK. I have 3 options.

Option number 1 is to just  tell him the truth, he might understand and let us go but that's unlikely. I am crucial for the future success of their precious kingdom and letting me go is not an option for them. So the best case scenario is that he bargains with Killian and Leia's life for me to stay at the castle like a good little princess. The worst case is for him to think that Killian put a spell on me or something similar and just kill him faster, which is likely due to his distain for him. That won't work it's to risky. 

Option 2 is to try and fight my way out of this. I immediately rule this out as there are way too many guards and I would be on my own as all of the crew are now restrained. 

That leaves option 3. Pretend to play the innocent kidnapped princess, stall the execution that my parents will inevitably decide on as punishment, long enough to come up with a plan for us to get out of the kingdom. Still risky but it will have to do. 

I let a tear slip, brought from the pain I'm feeling of possibly losing my happy ending and act like it was because I was overwhelmed at seeing my father again. He also lets one slip and pulls me into a bone crushing hug which I return instantly, trying to keep up the act. "Daddy" I whisper to him. 

My eyes meet Killian's over my fathers shoulder and his normally sea blue eyes cloud with confusion and sadness. Did he actually think I was betraying him? I give him a smirk that if the many guards around the ship saw they would simply think I was tormenting my captor but to Killian. He understood. He knew where my loyalties were and I could see him weighing up my options in his head.  When he came to the conclusion, as I had, that my only option was this he returned my smirk. 

All that anyone who wasn't a part of his crew saw was a simple gesture between 2 people who hated each other but to the people who truly knew us knew we had a plan. 

Maybe the fact that he can read me like a book will be useful after all. 

Charming's POV

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