Chapter 4 - The Fight

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Emma's POV

I woke up to the sound of boots on wood above my head and knew that I should be up.

I reluctantly swung my legs out of my small bed and walked over to my bag that I packed before leaving the castle. When I got to my dressing table I saw a purple box with a note which read


If you are going to be a pirate then you can start by dressing like one I went to the market and bought you this

Hope you like it,

Your Captain.

I opened the box and saw some brown knee high boots with buckles on the bottom, a cream coloured top with long sleeves and buttons up the middle, there was a red and black vest which looked more comfortable than my corsets back at the palace, some black leather trousers that were really tight fitting but I suppose they are supposed to belike that. Finally there was a long black overcoat that ended just above my ankles and fit loosely.

I changed and then put my hair in a ponytail. Then I left my cabin to go above deck.

Once I got there every pair of eyes went to me. It made me a bit uncomfortable if I'm honest. Which is why it was such a relief when I heard that familiar accented voice fill my ears, "well don't you have some work to be doing"

"Aye Captain" shouted the crew. Half of them carried on doing what they were supposed to be doing but the other half carried on staring and he noticed.

"stop staring at Swan and get on with it then" he said this time with Impatience and annoyance in his voice. After they all hastily returned to their task's the Captain walked up to me. "Swan, how did you sleep?" 

"best nights sleep I've had in a long time" I replied. Although the beds weren't as comfy as the one I had in the palace my sleep wasn't interrupted by nightmares of me being betrothed to some creepy prince or the kingdom cutting off my head because I was a terrible queen. So it was the best nights sleep I have had in a VERY long time.

"Well that's good because you will need a good nights sleep for the day ahead" He said with a childish smirk on his face.

"Tell me Captain, what does the day have instore for me?" I asked 

"Well Swan you have yet to show me how talented you are with a sword."

"Are you challenging me?" I get excited at this because if he is then I can finally prove my worth on this ship and show Captain Jones I truly am skilled with a blade.

"Yes Swan indeed I am" He says his smirk still plastered on his features. "Follow me." And with that he turned on his heel towards the other side of the deck and disappeared through the door behind the ships wheel without looking back once.

I realised I should follow him. I have heard about what happens to people who anger him and I don't think he will like it very much if I keep him waiting and with that thought I run after him towards the door very aware that most of the crew are now staring at me in the absence of there Captain.

Killian's POV

I Waited for her when I realised she wasn't behind me. I was thinking about her. Her perfect smile. Her gorgeous blond hair that acted as her halo. Her perfect pink lips. Oh how I wished I could feel her lips on mine. 

Just then she walked through the door and I was drawn back to reality. "So where are we fighting?" She asked. I walked closer to her and by instinct grabbed her small soft hand and led her towards the weapons room. Her skin was so soft and her hand fit so perfectly in mine.

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