Chapter 21- Dates

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Emma's POV

As soon as I was out of my parents view I ran. I ran down the halls of the castle like my life depended on it. I ran all the way to my bed chambers where I collapsed onto my bed and cried. I don't know how long for exactly but I do know that it was a long time.

I thought about the happy days and that made me cry more. I thought about what will happen if I don't get them out and that made me cry even more. So instead I thought about what had just happened with my parents. 

I know they are being held in the dungeons, I know there will be extra security and I know that they plan to execute them. I also know that they suspect something is up. I tried I really did, I tried to keep up the act but I couldn't. 

My mother has caused me so much pain over the years, it was never intentional but it still happened. She was the one who didn't want me to learn how to fight, she was the one who put pressure on me to be a good ruler, she made me feel like I owed her for bringing me into this world but I didn't ask for that I didn't want it. She did! She was never around and always left the difficult things to my governess. That hurt me and made me think that she wished she had given birth to a different child. 

My father always wanted a boy and he didn't even try to hide it. I knew he wished I was a boy all my life, maybe that is why I don't like dresses and jewellery to prove to my father I can be just as good as any son. I shouldn't have to do that he should love me no matter what. 

My biggest regret is the things I said to my parents to make them think that I hated it on The Roger. I told them that I need to wash the smell of pirates of me. I am a pirate and no matter what I do I would never want to get rid of that smell. The salt of the ocean and the leather of our clothes added with the slight tinge of rum is the most glorious smell in the world. It might sound repulsive to anyone else but that smell is a part of me now and I love it and wouldn't have it any other way, it smells like home.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

The morning

My eyes flew open and I clutched my stomach. I flew out of bed faster than I thought possible and ran to the bathroom. Throwing up is not fun especially when your overprotective mother catches you. 

"Emma! Oh honey are you ok." She screams.

"Yeah I'm fine, other than throwing up in the toilet I'm just great." I reply sarcastically. 

"Watch your tone young lady have you forgotten all of your manners while you were on that pirate ship?" She snapped at me. Seriously? That's what she thinks about when I'm being sick?

"Sorry mother." I say. Maybe she will leave me alone now. 

"Maybe we should get Doc to look at you?" 

"No I will be fine I'm sure it's nothing." 

"If this carries on we will take you to Doc and I'm sure he can find a cure." No he can't because the only cure to what I have is for me to get Killian back. I know what I'm suffering from, I'm suffering from heartbreak, not the type you get from unrequited love, the type you get from not being able to be together. 

"Yeah I'm sure he can" I say with a forced smile but I didn't have to hold it very long because I threw up again. 

"Come down to the dining hall when you are done we have things to discuss." WHEN I'M DONE! Well thank you very much mother that really helps. I think as she walks out. 

Snow POV


Emma walked down to the dining hall about an hour after I had been in her room. I am worried about her. What if she caught an infection on that ship? 

She sat down and didn't touch anything on her plate. I was glad to see she had changed into more ladylike clothes. She looked over at us, David was sat beside me and Neal was sat next to her. They look so adorable together. 

"What did you want to discuss mother?" She asks.

"Well there are 2 things." I answered.

"The first one is?" Emma asks. She's going to love this.

"We have picked a wedding date." I tell her excitedly.

"Really! I can't wait." She exclaims.

"Neither can I princess." Neal tells her. He has a pet name for her! How cute. 

"It's in 3 weeks." David says. 

"That's amazing, what's the second thing?" She asks. 

Neal answers this time. "We also have a date for the execution. It's my wedding present to you. On the eve of our wedding we will kill the people that kept us apart." 

"Oh. That's great, I guess. You know what? I'm feeling a bit sick again, I'm going to go upstairs." She says very fast and then runs out of the room. 

A week later. 

Emma still isn't better and I am now really worried. What if she has a fatal illness? Who would take care of our kingdom when we die then? Neal wouldn't be able to without Emma because he isn't part of our bloodline. What would we do? 

I'm thinking all of this whilst waiting in Doc's infirmary for him to finish his check-up's on Emma. 

"Ok princess all done if you would just wait outside while I look at the results." He says and we walk out. 

"You're going to be ok." I tell her.

"I know mother." She says blankly. She's not even worried. 

"While we wait why don't we talk about your wedding. You need a dress fitting I booked one in for later this week." I say breaking the silence. 

"I haven't even picked my dress yet." She tells me. 

"Oh I did that for you ages ago." I tell her. I know she will love it it's just so her. It has a big skirt and lots of gems along the bodice and sleeves. 

"Oh. Thanks, I guess." 

I was about to tell her about the decorations when Doc came out a sombre expression on his face. "Your highness can you come come in here please. Princess stay out here we will be right back." 

Oh no what's happened. I follow him in and he shuts the door. 

"What has happened? Is she ok?"

"Yes your majesty she will be fine, all the test were normal."

"Then what's the worry?" I ask.

"All the test's but one." 

"Well? What is it? What is wrong with my daughter?" 

"She's pregnant."

A/N: I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while I've been so busy with school ending I've hardly had time to write. I'm on summer break now so I should have a lot of spare time. Thank you for reading this book it makes me happy that people actually want to read this. I think there will be about 30 chapters of this book give or take. 

Bye for now


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