Chapter 8 - Prince Neal

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Killian's POV

I woke up before Emma. Our arms still wrapped around each other and her head still resting on my shoulder. She looked so peaceful when she slept. I found myself wondering how I hadn't known she was a princess. The way she walks, the way she smiles and the way she looks at me. She's so careful in everything that  she does. So regal. Or maybe that's just me knowing the truth. 

That's when her eyes start to flutter open and I looked deep into them, her beautiful emerald green eyes. Pull yourself together man, you're  supposed to be the fiercest pirate to ever sail the open waters! She smiles at me, lifts her head off my shoulder and looks into my eyes. "You should try get some sleep love, the sun will be up soon." I say breaking the comfortable silence we had fallen into.

"Yeah I suppose so." She said but didn't make any move to release her hold on me and in return I didn't make any move to let go of her, I liked it. How it felt having her in my arms, it felt right. I was still looking into her hypnotising green eyes and she was staring intensely back at me. She broke the spell by dropping her head back onto my shoulder and closing her eyes. She was not moving. Stubborn lass!

I decided she needed to sleep. I could see she was starting to get dark circles under her eyes. I removed one of my hands from her and her head snapped up in protest but it soon went back down again when I placed it under her legs and picked her up bridal style. 

I carried her down to her cabin and laid her down in her bed. She reluctantly let go of me and I walked to the door. I could hear soft snores coming from her and I chuckled to myself thinking that she is probably the least princessy princess I have ever met. 

I walked into my cabin and laid on my bed. In my sleep instead of dreaming of my brother dying in my arms or killing everyone involved in his passing I dreamt of the beautiful green eyed blonde princess snoring in the next cabin over.

Neal's POV

I sit in the Princesses bed chambers thinking about the night I first saw her. I remember it clear as day. I had been attending a ball in the Charming's Kingdom which my parents , well adopted parents, had urged me to go to. They said I could meet a special someone there. I laughed at the idea but just that happened. 

I had heard tales of true love. It was always one night or just one look and you just knew. That's how I felt with Emma. When I saw her walk down the grand staircase she took my breath away. I asked her to dance and we hit it right off. I knew she was the one, I requested for her hand in marriage the next morning but her parents told me that she was too young. I understood of cause and said I would wait. There was never anyone else. There never could be. 

The thought of her being kidnapped by dirty, stinking pirates gives me the chills. I hate to think of what they could be doing to her. Images pop in my head. My Emma with blood soaking the dress she had excitedly put on to meet me. 

I think of how they did it. She must have been by the door because there is a plant smashed on the floor near her door. They must have dragged her out of the window, maybe knocked her unconscious? The king and queen haven't yet received a ransom note so I am getting worried they don't intend to give her back. The room smells like I remember her. I bet she's even more beautiful now. 

Sometimes I think she deserves better than me. I'm not really a prince. I wasn't born one anyway. I was the son of a spinster. My name was Balefire. We were happy me and papa. I didn't really know my mother because she fell in the sea and drowned on her way back from a tavern. But me and my papa got by. We didn't have much but we got by. I loved him he was the best papa in the world. That is until he tried to save me from having to fight in the ogre wars when I turned 14. 

He went in search of a magical dagger. One that could control an evil being called the dark one. The dark one is the most powerful being in all of the enchanted forest. This dagger my father wanted also had the power to kill him. If my papa killed him with the dagger then he would gain all of the dark ones dark magic. He did and he turned into a monster. I tried to save him from himself but I couldn't. I wanted to take him to a land without magic where we could be happy again. We made a deal and he broke it. I still resent him for that! I found a portal to this land but when the time came he wouldn't jump. I fell in but he didn't, he chose the dagger over me. 

I spent some time in this land. A family called The Darlings took me in and I loved them like they were my family. I was happy with the Darlings. That didn't last long however because they were being hunted my a magical shadow who wanted to take John or Michel to a land called Neverland where they would stay forever. I went in Michaels place and spent a great many years running from Peter pan the evil ruler of the island and his lost boys who are like his personal guards. No one leaves Neverland without Pan's permission. No one except me. I found a way to trap the shadow and make it take me away from that land. No one ages on Neverland so I stayed the same age as I was when I got there. 

The shadow took me back to the enchanted forest and I was found by King Frederick and Queen Abigail. I did not want to be recognised as the dark one's son so I gave them the fake name Neal. They grew fond of me and when they found out they couldn't conceive they made me their son. I am very lucky to be their son because it gave me a loving family and the opportunity to marry my one true love, Emma.  

A/N: Hey guys I am really sorry that its so late I had a ton of homework and a bit of writers block so I'm sorry about that. I just thought I sould explain about how Neal is in the enchanted forest and hoe Neal is called Neal and not Balefire. Just telling you again that Killian and Milah were never together.

Bye for now


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