Chapter 3 - The Jolly Roger

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Killian's POV

I don't know why I asked her to join my crew I just saw her and knew that I needed to get too know her and this seemed like the perfect way. She was also saying she didn't want to stay to long in one place and as pirates we travel to far off distant lands and don't dwell in one place for more than a few weeks at most.

We walked onto the deck and no one was there since the rest of the crew were probably all still at the tavern.

Emma turned to me and asked "Am I the only woman in your crew?"

"Aye love. But if any of them lay a hand on you ,which they shouldn't do because I will tell them that they are to respect you, then they will be fish food"

"Ok thanks" she says looking relieved.

"Come I will show you to you're cabin love" I say and lead her below deck to the cabin next to mine. I don't know why I gave her that one I just guess it would be easier to get to her if something happened.

I will admit I have never been in love before and have no idea what it feels like, but I should imagine that it's this. I've never cared this much for a woman before or what happened to them but Emma was different. I felt like if she died or got hurt aboard my ship then I would never forgive myself.

I hear footsteps and shouting from above deck and know that the rest of the crew must be back.

"Is that the crew?" I hear Emma say from beside me.

"Aye love. I think so. Come let's introduce you." I take her hand and lead her up to the deck. When we get there most of my men stop and stare at Emma.

"Alright lads that's enough, this lady here is Emma Swan and she will be our newest crew member. If any of you scurvy touch her you will be a mermaids lunch do you understand me." I say with commandment in my voice. I give them all a look that says' if you dare question her presence on this ship I will end you're miserable existence.'

"Aye. Aye. Captain." The all chorus as one.

"We leave port in the morning go and get some rest." I tell them.

They all leave down below deck not one of them daring to look at me or Emma out of fear of what I may do to them if they do.

"Ok well. Thanks I guess." Emma says nervously from beside me. I look at her and smile which she returns warmly. 

"As I said We're leaving in the morning so you should go and get some sleep try and wake up around 6 in the morning. I will see you on deck tomorrow morning love."

She nods and turns to go below deck but before she goes through the door she says "Aye Aye Captain" turns round and smiles before she retires to her cabin.

A/N: heyyyyy oncers sorry about the short chapter I will probably update later on in the week but I cant be sure because I have just started online school again. Sorry again for the very short filler chapter.

Bye For Now


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