Chapter 33 - The Saviour

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Third Person POV

Regina organised a party at Grannies on Friday the 13th of October in celebration of, oh whatever, she's the mayor and really in need of a night out! She can throw a party whenever she damb well wants.    

Emma was making rapid progress with her magic and is well on the way to having absorbed all that Regina has to teach her. She was turning out to be one hell of a saviour. 

Regina had talked to Emma about what would happen when her daughter reached the age when she started to walk. It is most likely that having grown up around magic, she will also begin to develop the ability to use her own magic. 

Regina had seen first hand how Emma was embracing and mastering her new found powers, being the product of true love and all. Seeing as said product of true love met her true love and they had a child and on top of that, the fact that Emma and Leia are both firstborns, this would mean that they have the most magical potential. She couldn't get the thought out of her head that  all these facts point to Leia possibly being the most powerful entity all the realms have seen since the great wizard Merlin.

Killian was of course supportive and accepting but the news did make him a little worried for his daughters safety. 

Anyway we're not here to talk about the future, the time for worrying about that is over, today we're living in the here and now.

It just so happens that in the here and now Killian and Robin are both tipsy, bordering on drunk. It is quite hilarious for the girls (who are both breastfeeding and can't drink) to watch as Robin sings loudly to the music on the Jukebox which is playing 'Sweet Caroline' and Killian mumbles to the words and pretends he knows them. 

"Hey girlies." Emma manages to stop laughing long enough to look up at Ruby heading towards their table. Granny and Ruby came to Storybrooke shortly before Emma and Killian. They landed in the town when it was still cursed so instead of being called Red as she would have been known in the enchanted forest she was given cursed memories, co-owns the most popular diner in town and acquired a new name, Ruby, which she likes a lot better than Red.

"Hey Ruby." Emma smiled at her friend coming towards their table. 

"What do you say to us three have a girls night soon?" Ruby asked sitting down and taking a sip of her drink.

"I don't know I'm a bit worried about leaving Henry again," Regina hesitated. Emma and Regina had left both kids with a babysitter named Belle, who's recently arrived because of a bad brake-up or something and is trying to get on her feet.  "he is only a few weeks old and we never even thought this would happen. I drank an infertility potion when I was still the Evil Queen and Robin and I went to great lengths to break it. I never thought I'd have all this and I don't want to throw it away."

"Well Robin and Killian could look after the two of them together while we go out then they can help each other or we could ask Belle again?" Emma suggested, knowing that she was in desperate need of a girls night. Even if she couldn't drink. 

"I don't know." 

"Oh come on Regina it'll be fun." Ruby playfully hit her friend on the shoulder, encouraging her to take the offer.

"Ok fine, but I'm not drinking!" 

Emma and Ruby shared a triumphant high five and the girls had just started planning it when Regina's phone rang, 

"Hello? She's what! Why today? Ok yeah I understand I'll be there soon, I'll bring the sheriffs, no need to ring them. Ok see you in a minute." 

Emma gave the mayor a questioning look as she put her phone in her bag and told Emma to pack up, they needed to go. Regina walked over to the boys while Emma said bye to Ruby and promised she'd call her about the girls night.
"Something's happened with Zelina." Regina explained to Emma and a now more sober Robin and Killian, having cast a spell on them to undo all of the drinking they had done in the past few hours. 

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