Chapter 25 - It's in your heart

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Leia's POV

Killian wasn't too badly hurt by the time they came to collect us for the execution. He could walk and he said that if he could walk he could fight and that was all that mattered. Everyone knew the plan and I was just excited to meet my niece or nephew when it came. I'm pretty sure Killian just wanted them to kill him now because I've been talking about babies non stop since he told me he was to be a father. 

He's standing at the back of the cell giving the guards death stares as they grab the crew members and chain them to the line of pirates to be executed. I'm leaning up against the wall trying to look as emotionless as possible but inside I'm terrified that somethings going to go wrong. 

One of the older guards opens the door to our cell and looks at me smirking apparently the royal guards who manage the dungeons don't have any manners. 

"It's a shame we have to kill you, you really are a pretty little thing." He sneers, making me feel sick. I was about to reply with a snarky comeback when Killian stormed up to him and shielded me from the guards prying eyes with his body. 

"Don't you dare talk to her like that!" He snarls venom dripping from every word. 

The man gives an amused laugh and growls at Killian, "You can't protect your little missy from being shot full of arrows so why do you think you can protect her from anything else?" Oh that's the other thing, everyone thinks that Killian and I are lovers because Charming said that to the guard when we came down here. It's disgusting to think about, which is probably why Killian burst when the guard said 'little missy.'

"She's my damned little sister, so you can stop calling her 'little missy' because I'm the only one who can insult her." He hisses. 

"I am not your little sister." I say emphasizing the word little. 

"Yes. You are." Killian says turning round to face me, meanwhile the guard just looks amused. I cross my arms and give him my best death stare and say, "I'm your younger sister. And I can protect myself."

He rolls his eyes whilst saying, "Your my little sister and I know you can protect yourself I was just looking out for you." 

"YOUNGER!"I say through clenched teeth. He chuckles and rubs my head like he knows I hate.

"Whatever you say little sis." He tells me with his hands on my shoulders.

I was about to make another snarky comeback when a guard from behind him grabbed his shoulders and dragged him backwards.

"That's enough." He growled. It was a different one from earlier although he didn't look any nicer.

He tied us both to the long lie of pirates. The chains were around both of our hands and ankles and they were really uncomfortable. Killian and I were at the front next to each other since they had us all in pairs.

"Hey brother." I whispered. He turned his head to me and silently told me to continue. "If something goes wrong and I die out there, get on with your lives don't let my death stop you from living. Ok maybe you can grieve for like a week but no longer." He laughs at that last bit but then his expression is serious.

"Your not going to die!"

"Just in case, Promise me."

"Only if you promise me the same thing." I was expecting that.

"I promise Killian."

"I promise too Leia."

"Thanks. So what are you going to name the kid?" I ask laughing.

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