Chapter 17 - The escape

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David's POV

Our family always finds each other. That's how things are meant to be. We were meant to have a happy ending, all of us. My daughter is meant to be getting ready to marry the love of her life, Prince Neal, not captive on a pirate ship somewhere with who knows what being done to her. Images of my daughter covered in blood and bruises flash through my mind along with some other horrible thoughts. 

I quickly shake the horrific images from my head and turn my attention back to my wife. Snow has been the worst effected by the news. She cries herself to sleep every night saying how she should have spent more time with her and wishes she had taught her how to sew and cook and dance instead of her governess carrying out all of her lessons. The practical side of me is starting to worry about what will happen to our kingdom if we don't find her, she's our only heir! What will we do?

At that moment a gust of magical wind blows through the palace walls and everybody looks around in bewilderment but Snow looks at me and I look at her and we give each other a knowing smile. We know what that was because it happened to us once, when I woke Snow from a sleeping curse. That marks true loves kiss and somehow I have hope again that we will find Emma, knowing that some happy couple just found out they are truly in love, that gives me hope. 

"In the castle..... Captain Jones." That gets my attention. I turn to a few palace guards who I had heard utter the words that lifted my spirts so high,

"Did you say Captain Jones was here?"  I ask them.

"Yes sir we did but don't repeat it, we don't want to cause alarm." 

"Captain Jones took our only daughter please let us help bring him to justice." Snow says beside me.

"I am sorry for your troubles you may come up with us and when we catch him you may question him on your daughters whereabouts but we must hurry." I give Snow a smile that says 'I told you this ball was a good idea.' and we head off after the guards.

Killian's POV

"That my pirate was true love's kiss!" Emma says. I don't think I heard her right. 

"What?" I say.

"It's true love Killian!" She says again beaming at me. My smile grows even wider than it already is and I kiss her again.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I ask her and she laughs and pulls me into another kiss.

BANG! We pull apart.

BANG! We look over to the door.

BANG! Someone's trying to knock it down.

BANG! Emma grabs my hand and pulls me over to the wall.

BANG! I snap back to reality and help her over before swiftly pulling myself over and down the escape rope. 

BANG! Emma reaches the ground and I follow seconds after. 

RRRRIP! Emma tears the skirt off her dress, revealing some brown boots and black leather trousers and she discards the skirt treading it into the ground.

CRASH! The door above finally gives way and Emma runs away, her hand in mine pulling me with her. She lets go and we both run for our lives heading for the trees. 

"I WILL GET MY DAUGHTER BACK!" I hear a shout behind me and Emma gives a squeak next to me and runs faster. I follow her and soon we are both under the cover of the forest. 

Emma's POV

I don't think they recognised me. I really hope they didn't! The last thing I want now is to go back, not when I've just found true love. 

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