Chapter 15 - Set sail to Greenflower

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I am going to do a one short book. They will mainly be Captain Swan but I will do some other ships and some of everyone together. I will take requests and would appreciate if you request something either on here or message me but you obviously don't have to. I have one already written and just need to proof read it and it will probably be up this weekend Monday UK time by the latest. Thankyou I would really appreciate it if you would check it out. 

On with the chapter.

(Pic in media is Greenflower castle.)

Leia's POV

Last night was fun I won most of the games we played and since Killian was no where to be found I drank a lot more than I should have. When I woke up I had a pounding headache! I slowly got dressed and went into Emma's cabin to talk to her as usual but she wasn't there. She never gets up early and I saw her knocking back the drinks last night so she will certainly have a hangover. I start to worry that maybe she hadn't made it back to the ship so I go to Killian's Cabin which is next to Emma's. 

I burst through the door but stop dead in my tracks as I see the 2 sleeping figures in my brothers bed. Quietly I sneak up to the bed and see my brother holding my beautiful best friend close to his chest. I smile at how happy and cute they look together. Then I notice that both of their shoulders are bare and cringe, immediately shaking the thought from my head and fleeing the room.

Killian's POV

I woke up as the door of my cabin closed behind someone. My head was pounding and there was a warm presence beside me. I looked down to see a sleeping naked Emma snuggled up against my chest. All the memories of last night came flooding back like a tidal wave and I smiled to myself. I just hope Emma doesn't regret anything from last night, the last thing I want is to scare her off. 

As if she could hear my thoughts, I felt her reposition herself to lay her head in the crook of my neck and kiss my skin where her lips rested reassuringly. She moved her hand from my chest and wrapped it around my torso throwing her leg over my hip and sighing happily. 

Relived I pulled her closer to me and kissed the top of her head. 

"As much as I want to lay with you all day love we do have to leave port in the next hour or we aren't going to make it to Greenflower in time for the ball." I tell her reluctantly. 

She gives me an overly dramatic sigh and proceeds to detangle herself from me before getting out of the bed and putting her clothes on. 

"Are you just going to lay there and watch me or are you going to get dressed and attempt to get us out of here in the next hour." She says turning around to face me. I give her a pouty face,

"But I like watching you." I say.

"Get up Killian." She says and then walks out of my cabin. I do as I'm told and get dressed and then quickly make my way up to the top deck. I see Emma, she's changed into different clothes. She's now wearing a black top and some black leather trousers, a sword secured at her hip. 

I start shouting orders and soon enough we are sailing away from Middle-Mist port and headed to Greenflower. 

Third person POV

As the Jolly Roger arrives in Greenflower's small secret port behind the palace 6 days later, the crew plots to infiltrate that very palace that very same night. This decision changes the tides and settles the fates of everyone entwined in this tale!

A/N: I'm sorry the chapter was so short but I promise it will get more exiting next chapter. I'm so exited for that one I have big plans. Please go and look at my one shorts book which should be out this weekend. Thankyou so much for reading your views, votes and comments make me so happy and I love you all. 

Bye for now


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