Chapter 12 - you and me

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Leia's  POV

After we successfully docked at Middlemist port I pulled Emma of the ship and shouted to my brother.

"We will be back here in 3 hours don't be late."

"Bye Killian, sorry!" Emma said smiling back at him as I dragged her through the bustling streets of the town. We were surrounded by pretty stalls with exotic looking foods, enticing smells and sparkling jewellery. We headed to the other side of the square towards the carts that were piled high with fine clothing and shoes. I took some gold from Killian's cabin he can shout at me later. 

I will admit I have no idea what I am doing. Dresses and shoes have never been my thing but I am doing this to help my brother and my best friend. 

I look around and see that Emma has stopped in the middle of the path. She has spotted a dress hung up in the back of a tent. I walk back to her. 

"Do you want it?" I asked

"I've dressed in ballgowns and the most beautiful dresses you could ever imagine but I have never seen anything as pretty as that." 

Wait what? When did she dress in ballgowns? She must have realised her mistake because her eyes went wide and she whipped her head around to face me a terrified expression on her face. 

"Leia can we buy the dress and go somewhere to talk?"

"Erm..I think we might need to, Emma."

After we bought the dress Emma lead me to a secluded spot out of town by the edge of the woods. 

"What was that about wearing extravagant dresses? How would a millers daughter afford that?" She told me she was a millers daughter. Was that a lie? 

"I'm not a millers daughter." I was right. "I'm a princess!" 

Was not expecting that! I don't know if I should be angry or not? So I find myself looking to my brother for help again. Even though he isn't here.

"Does Killian know?" I can tell by her face she was not expecting that.

"Er.. yes I told him a while ago." 

"What did he do."

"Nothing. He didn't treat me any differently, he didn't say anything at first but then he said that he wasn't going to look at me any differently than before, he said I was born to be a pirate. That he would only take me home if I wanted to go back."

If Killian wasn't angry then neither was I. 

"What made you run away?"

"You're not mad?" She asked

"If Killian could forgive you I can too. You are the best friend I ever had and I don't care if you're a princess. Killian is right you were born to be a pirate."

"Thank you Leia."

"So why did you run away?" I asked again

"My parents arranged for me to marry some creepy stuck up prince I had only ever met once at a ball. They probably think it was true love or something. They are fans of the 'I met him once at a ball and fell madly in love, he's the one' kind of thing" She told me with a laugh although I could tell she didn't think it was funny. How could anyone do that to their child?

"I'm sorry Emma that is horrible." 

"If they didn't I would have never met you or Killian. I would have never discovered that I was born for piracy or how amazing it is to be free." 

"I suppose you're right, now lets go and buy you some shoes and try that dress on!"

We bought her some shoes and headed back to The Roger with everything. The crew were probably all at the tavern or stealing from the market so we had the ship to ourselves. I gave her the cotton bag with the dress and shoes in and told her to get dressed in her cabin. She went in while I stayed out in the hallway.

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