Chapter 18 -Distant ships

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Emma's POV

It's been three weeks now since the Greenflower incident and we had docked for a day to sell the treasure but we were soon back on the water. Leia was ecstatic about the fact that Killian and I have true love and the crew were all happy for us. They all now respected me and viewed me as a part of their family. 

I have everything I could ever want.

Freedom and excitement.

A family that loves me.

A best friend.

And true love. 

Still processing that last one. I can't believe it, I love him so much and I just want to spend the rest of my life with him. 

I inhale the salty sea air and take in the smell of happiness. The sky is dark and clear, I look up see the stars stretch out above me, the endless constellations that were now like familiar friends. Sometimes at the castle I used to tell them my secrets and then wish my dreams would come true. Now I have someone I can tell my secrets to, someone I love and trust dearly.

"It's beautiful don't you think." I say to him. Opening my eyes but not taking my eyes off the stars.

"Aye love it is." He says. His voice is closer than I thought he was. I can feel his presence lingering right behind me. "But I'm not talking about the stars." He whispers in my ear. His hands coming to rest on my hips. I blush a deep crimson as I look behind me and see his eye's on me and only me. 

My knees felt weak just looking at the love in his eye's. This pirate I fell in love with can do that to me with just a look. I turned back to the sea feeling as though I may faint of happiness (if that is even possible) if I look at him any longer. I sigh and lean back into his arms as he kisses me on the head sweetly.

We come up here almost every night and just look at the stars. Me and Killian. Killian and I. Just the 2 of us. 

"I had a dream a few weeks after you arrived on this ship." He says behind me. I look up at him and signal for him to continue. "It was the morning we started courting. You and I were married. We were happy or we looked it. We were living in a house, it was blue and white and had a turret. We were sat outside, watching 2 children playing in front of the house. They looked about a year or so apart. No one said anything, just the children shouting and laughing. It was probably the best dream I ever had." He dreamt about a future with me? Did he want a family? I want everything with him, I love him so much.

"You dreamt about a future with me?" 


"And do you want one, A future?" I asked, still unsure of the answer.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He replied. I looked into his face and there was not a hint of uncertainty in it. I smiled so brightly and pulled him to me pressing my lips against his. 

"I do too." I told him after we pulled apart. "Do you want children?" I asked. I had always liked the idea of raising a child my own way, fixing all of the things that my parents did wrong. I was not naïve enough to think that I would be perfect at it.

"Never thought about it before I met you but Emma, with you I would love to build a family."

"Me too." I smiled and kissed him again. 

That's when Killian quickly pulled away. When I looked at him puzzled I saw that he wasn't looking at me but at something behind me. I went to turn my head but Killian put his hands on the side of my face to stop me. 

"What. Killian what is it." 

"I think were going to have to hold off on that future love." He replies. Why would he say that? I wasn't going to suggest we start right this minute. What was behind me? Why won't he let me look?

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