Chapter 16 - The Raid

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Emma's POV

We made port an hour ago and now I'm walking round Greenflower village with Leia looking for an outfit for the ball. Killian couldn't come with us in case someone recognises him because then he will be hung or burnt at the stake which is the punishment for piracy in this kingdom. There are warnings written all over the town, carved into wood, written on stone and on some carts as well. Killian didn't want me to go either but I convinced him I would be fine and promised to keep my hood up so no one spotted me. Greenflower is very different to Middlemist, the town is quiet and almost deserted, it gives off an unwelcoming and uneasy feeling whereas Middlemist was bustling with people and warmth. 

We found outfits and masks and set off back to the ship. Mine was a red dress that flowed to the ground pooling out around my waist with a tight bodice and lace at the edges. I bought a small tiara to put on my head and I had a matching simple red mask. I got Killian a brown waist coat which he could just wear over his usual pirate attire and a black mask.  

As we boarded the Roger, Killian came running up to us enveloping Leia in a bear hug and then letting her go and doing the same to me. He loosened his grip and then kissed me deeply.

"I was worried." He said after seeing my confused face. It's not like the crew didn't know about us, we told them on the journey here but he never usually kissed me like that in front of everyone, especially Leia. The crew were ok with me and Killian, most of them were happy for us but one or two weren't sure. I kept up the confidence and belief in myself and they have all started to respect and trust me. I feel like I finally belong somewhere.

"Don't be" I replied. I only let Killian or Leia see my weak side no one else since the tavern had seen that and I intend to keep it that way.

We went below deck, I showed Killian the outfits and he showed me an invitation he had acquired from some royals who took a wrong turn. We all went over the plan again and put in an extra escape route over a wall with a rope which Leia would put in place before joining the raid. Before we knew it Killian and I were dressed up and walking off the ship with the crew getting ready to leave 10 minutes after.

Killian's POV 

When we got to the castle I noticed that it was the expected pomp and grandeur and I thought, with some relief, that the crew should have no trouble sneaking in. Then I looked over to Emma, although she didn't show it I could see that she was anxious and I could tell that something was troubling her.

"What is it love?" 

"I just remembered. My parents are allied with Greenflower, what if they are here? What if they recognise me and drag me back home? The punishment over there for piracy is only life in the dungeon's but if they think that you kidnapped me or something like that then they will most definitely have you killed!" as she tells me this I can see the fear in her eyes. She really is scared.

"Emma, we are all wearing masks love they wont spot you and you don't have to worry about me, if there's one thing I'm good at it's surviving." I tell her and wipe away the stray tear that is winding its way down her cheek as she smiles at me and nods. 

We carry on and soon enough we are inside the castle.

As a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy I have been to a few balls before and therefore I know how to dance and I'm pretty light on my feet, so I'm not as out of place as Emma expected me to be. We haven't got as far as 10 paces into the palace, our masks securely on our faces, when the king of Greenflower approaches us and asks,

"Who do I have the honour to welcome into my home?" Shoot! We planned everything down to the very last detail but we didn't think of fake names! Damit Killian. 

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