Chapter 27 - Revenge

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Emma's POV

There it is again, that anger, bubbling around inside of me at the sight of my mothers sickly sweet face. She's not my mother anymore.

Hope and expectancy stuck to her features like a barnacle would to a rock.

She wants me to run into her arms like a loving daughter and tell her how happy I am that she saved me, well that's certainly not going to happen.

She just murdered someone in cold blood! How can she maintain that smile? How is her body not flooding with regret?

All of my common sense was gone now. All of the grief and sadness I was feeling a second ago reduced to atoms. All my emotions replaced with nothing but searing hot anger and it was asking for blood.

All I can think of right now is how satisfying it would be to plunge the arrow that caused the demise of my best friend into her stomach and watch her blood stain the perfectly manicured lawn. Watch the shock on her face when she realises that her perfect little princess has turned on her.

I'm sure that the only emotion seen in my eyes is anger, because in that moment I had made my decision, the queen was going to die, and it was going to be at my hand.

I carefully pulled the arrow out of Leia's back and hid it behind mine, grimacing at the sight of her blood still freshly coated on it.

My body lurched forward as I was driven by the need for her to pay. I was hurtling across the space in between us making it shorter and shorter, griping the arrow tightly behind my back, when suddenly it was ripped from my grasp and my body was slowed to a halt.

Before I could turn around I felt two arms wrap around my body trapping me close to his chest.

I knew it was Killian I could just tell but at this point I didn't care. He was getting in between me and my revenge and I was not going to let that happen. I started trying to get out of his hold by kicking my legs and thrashing. 

I could feel the tears staining my face but I needed to avenge my best friend, no matter the cost.

I put all of my remaining strength, that was fading quickly, into screaming, I don't really know what I'm doing and all I can see is Leia's body. I don't have to turn and look behind me, the image is seared into my brain like the smell of  burning flesh.

"STOP!" I shout at him still kicking and screaming. I hear him whisper some comforting words into my ear but they didn't have the same soothing effect on me that they usually did.

"LET ME GO!" I shout kicking harder and sobbing so hard that I'm sure I used up a lifetime of tears.

"PLEASE!" I beg him even though I know its useless. If he hasn't given in by now then he's not going to change his mind.

"LET ME GO!" I scream and kick in a last ditch attempt to get out of his grip as he turns me around and start's to carry me back to the ship, looking over his shoulder before he starts walking and shouting at my parents who I assume have loaded weapons. 

"If you shoot me you risk shooting your daughter! Don't follow us and I will keep her alive." He bargains and somewhere in my subconscious I hear what he is saying and I register that he's lying and will never hurt me if they follow us or not but I don't really care right now.

I'm still kicking and punching him but he won't budge. We're almost to the ship now. If I don't tell them now I wont get the chance. 

"I WILL KILL YOU! IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!" I scream at them. It's useless now we're walking up the gangplank and will be on the ship in a matter of seconds. 

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