Chapter 14 - Tavern

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I'm thinking about doing a One Short book most of them will be Captain Swan but there may be some other ships in there. If you would like to see that please message me or leave a comment and feel free to request some there will be more information on the next update of this book. Thank you and on with the story.😊 

Killian's POV

I'm honestly a little surprised that Emma agreed to come to the tavern with us. I doubt she's been to one before and I didn't really think that they were exactly her scene. I'm glad she's coming though, as she said, It'll be fun. 

I walk up to the top deck and wait for her, the crew always make their own way there but I thought since it was Emma's first time at a tavern (as far as I know) then I would go with her. 

Most of the people at taverns are drunk or about to get drunk and I don't want any of them laying a finger on my Swan. I know she can protect herself but I can't help but worry I've done the wrong thing . 

When she eventually emerged from below deck my jaw dropped and my eyes probably almost popped out of there sockets. She had her hair loose flowing down her back like a  golden river . She was wearing a brown dress completed with a matching corset. The dress had a very low neckline and a large skirt. To me she looked beautiful in anything but in this, she was a goddess. 

"You alright there brother?" Leia said from behind Emma. I didn't even realise she was there. Leia was wearing a white and blue dress with a lace up bodice, her hair was tied into a high ponytail and she had a wide smirk on her face. 

"Yeah. I'm fine." I replied a little distracted. I looked back over to Emma her cheeks had gone red and she was looking intently at the ground. I walked over to her and put my hand on her chin so she was looking at me. "You look amazing, Swan." I told her, which made her blush even more. 

"Thankyou." She replied with a smirk. The heat had gone from her cheeks and she seemed a lot more confident than she normally did. I looked over to Leia to see if she had noticed this too but she wasn't looking at me she was looking at Emma and in that moment I knew that she had everything to do with Emma's change in behaviour. 

"Shall we go then?" I asked and Emma just looked at me with a playful smile and walked off the ship without another word. I had a feeling that tonight was going to be interesting. I knew one thing for sure though, she definitely didn't need protecting.

Emma's POV

Leia was right. She was right. It worked.

That afternoon after the meeting I asked Leia how she did it. How she could be so confident and say just what she thought whenever she wanted. The crew respected her and Killian, its not like any of them thought that I shouldn't be on this ship, not after Blackbeard but I had not yet earned their respect. They all respected each other, with the exception of the deckhands perhaps but when they looked at me all they saw was a girl who was decent with a sword. That's why they didn't want me to go into the ball with Killian, if I went in and they got caught it would be up to Killian and I to save them. 

She told me that If you wanted people to believe in you, have confidence in you then you needed to have confidence in yourself first. She was right! I needed to believe in myself and stop relying on others to get what I want. 

"People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say, NO this is who I am! You want people to look at you differently? Make them! You wanna change things you're gonna have to go out there and change them yourself because not all of us are lucky enough to have a fairy godmother." Those are the exact words she said to me and I am not going to forget them anytime soon. 

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