Chapter 5 - Blackbeard's Deal

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Snow's POV 

*The night Emma ran away*

Prince Neil's carriage pulled up outside the grand entrance of our Palace. Emma was no where to be seen. I thought she was sulking in her bed chamber. I didn't particularly want to marry her off but our kingdom is rapidly running out of gold and this is the only way to save it. We have to put the kingdom before our own needs and do what's best for our people. 

I was walking up to Emma's quarters preparing to tell her this.

When I got there I knocked on her door and said, "Emma sweetie. I'm sorry we have to do this but he is here." When there was no reply I tried again "Emma, Just meet him." I was slightly annoyed at her now, she was ignoring me and I am her mother.   

I pushed open the door and what I saw made me want to weep. Her closet was open and all of her beautiful clothes were scattered around the room. The window was open and the vase of flowers that we bought for her birthday was shattered on the floor by it. 

"DAVID! DAVID! COME HERE!" I shouted desperately.  What had happened to my princess? There was only one explanation!


Killian's POV

"It's Blackbeard sir, He's boarding the Roger!" 

These 7 words coming from Smee's mouth were like poison to my ears. Blackbeard is the second most feared pirate captain (after me) in the whole realm. He makes a point of coming after me every chance he gets. When I had just started pirating, after coming back from the hellish island they call Neverland I stole half of his supplies from right under his drunk nose. He got really angry because apparently I stole some jewel he got from his dead mother or something. 

I would have helped him get it back because if I lost my brothers ring I don't know what I would do but he tried to kill my sister (the only family I have left! Incidentally I kept her hidden from him after that) so now we are enemies. 

I held my sword tighter and bolted out of the door. I heard Smee and Emma close behind me. I didn't particularly want Emma anywhere near this but I don't know why. I thought about telling her to stay below deck but Blackbeard's crew is larger than mine and I have a feeling she wouldn't listen anyway. 

When I get on deck I march straight to Blackbeard but before I get to him to run him through once and for all he notices me. "Ah Captain Jones how nice of you to show up."

 "Get off my ship Blackbeard, you scurvy scumbag or I will make you wish you'd never set foot onboard."

"Was that a threat?"

"Yes old man it was."

"Hahaha." His laugh made me sick "Relax Jones I have come to make a deal." 

"I want no part of it. Get off my ship you poor excuse for a pirate."

"Oh I think you will be interested in this. See I stole something that I think you might want." 

"What could you possibly have stolen that I would want." 

"Not what, who!" he gestured to one of his crew mates and I started thinking. What was he talking about. I don't care about anyone but myself, so who...

I was cut from my thoughts by a shout "Killian! Killian! Help me." I knew that voice. No! No! That sick Bastard!

"Bloody Hell. Leia?"

"So Jones are you interested in my proposal?"

"What do you want Blackbeard?"

"We fight" He said drawing his sword "If I win I get your ship" He said with a smirk looking around my ship "And if you win" He stopped to look over at his crew mate who was still holding Leia.

"You get your sister!"

A/N: Sorry about the short chapter I just wanted it to end on that cliff-hanger. I don't know when I'm gonna update again but I will try and do it Friday or Saturday.

Bye For Now


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