Chapter 7 - Flashbacks and feelings.

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Third person POV

News travels quickly among pirates. Especially news of a duel between two of the most feared pirate captains in the realm.

In the two weeks since the duel every pirate knew of it. Some commoners had heard of it as well. Every person had their own version of the story. Some say the entire crew fought, some say it was just the captains. Some say it was a dispute over stolen treasure and some say it was just born out of hate. 

There were many different tales but two things were always the same. The first being the victor, Captain Jones, the second being the unique way that he won.

 In every tale Captain Jones stabbed Blackbeard one way or another with a meatal hook. The tales of where he found such a unique weapon are all different of course but by the time 2 weeks had passed he was given the nickname Captain Hook.

In these 2 weeks Blackbeard had returned to shore and healed. He had his eyes on a prize or rather a reward for a certain princess. He headed for the Charming's Kingdom to collect money in exchange for his information on their princess' whereabouts.

Charming's POV 

I had hardly slept since Emma was kidnapped. I can't its impossible. I don't have the slightest clue as to who has taken her. 

Everyday I will go out, search, come home and see my wife and every day I have to tell her I have found nothing of her whereabouts. 

Prince Neal has stuck around. He says he will stop at nothing to get his true love back. I think its really sweet and I know that once Emma is home safely he will take really good care of her and they will live happily ever after until their days come to an end.

I am sitting in the throne room with Neal and Snow now. We are standing around a map looking at where we haven't searched yet. 

That's when one of my guards comes running in and we all look up. "Sir I'm sorry to interrupt but there is a pirate at the gates and he says he has information on Princess Emma's whereabouts." At this news I practically jump for joy. Pirates aren't exactly the most trustworthy of people but at this point I just want my daughter back, I will listen to anyone. "Send him in." I look at Prince Neal and my wife and see massive smiles on both of their faces. I'm not so sure!

My guards walk in with the pirate. I'd recognise that face anywhere, Captain Blackbeard! I immediately draw my sword and point it at his throat. "Speak of what you know of my daughter Pirate." Hostility dripping off my every word.

"Whoa. Such a warm welcome your highness." He says sarcastically.

"I'll tell you everything but first I'll take my reward."

"What do you want?" The nerve of this stinking pirate is starting to annoy me.

"My weight in gold." No. No. definitely not.

"No,  You will tell me everything and I wont kill you."

"You need me alive" He taunts, " If I die so does my information." I hate pirates! no Honour! 

"Fine. We will give you the gold if you tell us who took my daughter and where she is."

"Deal. You first."

"We shall get the gold but you shall not receive it until you tell us what you know." I signal to one of my most trusted guards to go and get the gold.

"Fine. Princess Emma is aboard a pirate ship." I push my sword harder against his throat. Was she aboard his ship? Did he kidnap her? Am I standing in front of the man who took my precious princess? "Not my pirate ship, I discovered her whilst I was duelling with a rival. A rival whom I believe you are familiar with."

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