Chapter 10 - Talking

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Leia's POV

I know I probably shouldn't have done that to my best friend and my brother but they are the only people on this ship who are oblivious to the fact that they like each other. Someone needed to give them that push or they would never be happy. There is something in it for me too, after all I am technically a pirate. 

I'm really hoping they fall for each other, hard and then they get married and my best friend becomes my sister in law. Ok so there's not much in it for me but they deserve this and I'm not letting them back below deck until they realise what I already know.

Emma's POV

I'm kissing Captain Jones! I am kissing Captain Jones! Princess Emma of the enchanted forest is kissing Captain bloody Jones.

The weirdest part is that I don't want it to stop. I want to do this all night and by the way this kiss is going so does he. Mental note thank Leia for trapping us up here. 

After a little bit he pulls away and rests his forehead against mine. "That was..." He starts to say but I interrupt him.

"Definitely not a one time thing." I say, just a little breathless.

"Agreed." He tells me and my stomach does flips. Does this mean he felt it too?

"So what are we Killian?" I say pulling back a little but keeping my hands on his chest.

"We can be anything you want. All you have to do is tell me."

Did he just say he wants to be with me? That he will be mine and all I have to do is tell him! There has to be a catch! He is a pirate after all.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes. Whatever your hearts desire Swan I promise that's all I want you to have."

"I just want to be here with you."

"Then you shall be, love."

Both our smiles are so big I think our faces are going to explode at at minute. I lean forward again and our lips reconnect. In that moment everything is perfect.

He pulls away and says "We are making port in the morning." I have known this for a week he made it very clear and reminds us every day why is he telling me this.

"Yea I know." 

"Maybe I could take you somewhere just the two of us?" So that's where he was going with that. 

"I'd like that." 

"Great well er we should er get some erm some sleep." He says scratching behind his ear which I find very adorable, even if he is the most feared pirate captain in the entire realm. 

"Yeah hopefully Leia has unlocked the doors."

"Yeah." He hops down from the crows nest and I smile to myself before jumping down after him. He reaches the door and it easily opens. Looks like she's unlocked them. He holds the door open for me and I smile.

"What a gentleman."

"I'm always a gentleman." I walk through and he follows. He walks me all the way to my cabin and I turn around and I can't help myself, once again we seem to be in the middle of a passionate kiss. When we pull apart I turn around and just as I am about to go inside, I face him and say.

"Night Killian."

"Goodnight." He replies and I shut my door and lean against it with a contented smile on my lips.

A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while I had a bit of writers block and I'm really sorry this chapter is so short but I have a plan for the next few so I should have more frequent updates.

Bye for now


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