Chapter 22- News

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Emma's POV

Snow told us to come down to the banquet hall right away because she had some very important news. It was right after she made Doc take a look at me. She came out beaming but she wouldn't tell me what was happening to me! I am pretty sure she is over reacting because there is only one thing it could be right. Heartbreak. 

That's how I find myself sitting at the dining table anxiously waiting to hear what my mother has to tell me. I'm surrounded by 3 guards, Neal and my father. Neal and Charming are talking between themselves but I don't know what about because I'm once again thinking of Killian. I wish I could run into his arms and tell him I love him over and over. I wish I could-


My thoughts are scattered by the door bursting open and my mother running in smiling. She sits down next to David and signals for the guards to leave. 

"So Emma first of all your Father and I have had some news that we would like to share with you." I nodded telling her to continue.  "We talked with our advisors while you were away. They said that we needed to have insurance in case we didn't find you. So we went to the blue fairy and she gave us a potion." What are they talking about. Insurance? What kind of insurance? 

"Emma you're going to be a big sister! The potion let us conceive again seeing as we are getting older. I'm pregnant!" 

WHAT! They are having another child! Am I that replaceable? I don't care. I'm leaving with Killian anyway let them do what they want they're not my parents anyway, not to me, all they did was bring me into the world. They didn't raise me. 

I force a smile on my face. "That's so amazing! I can't wait." I tell them.

I get up to leave but my mother's voice stops me. 

"Wait Emma that's not all." What now? I think as I sit back down. 

"Yes mother?" 

"I'm not the only one who's having a baby!" Who else could have a baby. 

"Is it Red? My godmother?" That's all I can think of. 

"No honey. In fact she and Granny left for another realm while you were away."  What? Where would she go? 

"Really where?" 

"She left for a place called the land of second chances. She found a magic bean and threw it on the ground, it takes you to where ever you think of. In that realm no one judges you on your past. Since she's a werewolf she thought it was a good place to go." 

A second chance? Seems like the type of thing I need right now. 

"Oh I'm sorry mother I know she was a close friend." 

"It's fine." She says.

"So who else is having a baby?" I ask. 

She smiles the biggest smile possible and says the one word that will change my future forever. The one word that tells me I need to succeed. Because the one word she says is...


My mouth falls open in shock and I just stare at her. My thoughts are a mess. 

Did she just say you? Emma your having a baby? You are having a baby! Emma you are pregnant!!!!! THIS IS SO EXITING!!! 

WAIT! You're having a baby! Killian's baby! The same Killian who is going to be hung in 2 weeks. He's never going to see his child! What if he never knows? You have to get him out Emma you have to its not just the two of you to worry about anymore you have a child now. A CHILD! 

NO! There going to find out! It can't be Neal's. There going to find out! Your parents don't know yet ok they're smiling that's good.

I tear myself away from my thoughts and look at Neal. He's staring at me. What am I going to do? 

Run Emma. Just run. 

"I need a minute." I whisper as I flee the room but I think they heard me. 

When I get to my quarters I slam the door shut and bolt it. I sit on my bed and replay the whole thing again in my head. 

I'm pregnant and it's not my fiancés. I'm in love with someone who isn't my fiancé. The father of my child, my true love, is locked up in the dungeons of the palace I grew up in along with all my friends and family.   

Neal knows. My parents probably do now as well. I'm in so much trouble, Killian's in so much trouble! 


My head snaps over to my balcony when I hear it open and Neal walks through the door.

How? The guards have the only key. 

"So, A baby?" He says simply while he sits next to me. 

"Neal. I'm sorry."

"Just tell me who's it is." He asks bluntly. I avoid the questions with one of my own. 

"Do my parent's know? That it's not yours I mean."

"No. It's one of the pirates isn't it. That's why you wouldn't tell anyone what happened on that ship." He concludes. I look down. 

"Emma it's ok." 

"It is?" I ask coldly. 

"Yes." He replies. 

"So you'll help with the baby. Pretend it's yours?" I ask sceptically. Even if he does agree it's not happening. I will get Killian out and even if I don't succeed I'm not staying here. I will get out with my baby and Killian if I'm lucky. 

"No Emma we don't want a reminder of that horrible man with us all the time, not to mention this child could sit on the throne of Misthaven if we keep it. Imagine the bastard child of a pirate ruling your kingdom! No, we will have our own heirs when the time comes but as for this baby we will tell the kingdom it died during the birth and leave it in the woods to die."

This man makes me sick. He's talking about killing a child not to mention my child. I nod and try to hide my disgust for him. 

"How did you even get in here?" I ask quickly changing the subject. 

"Oh. I picked the lock on the balcony door." He said matter of factly.

"Picked the lock? How did you do that?" I ask as an idea pops into my head.  

"Oh it's easy come on I'll show you. It's all about the tumblers." He said as he walks over to my balcony and shows me how to pick the lock. 

That's a prince for you. Stupid. So very stupid. He just gave me the first phase of my plan to get away from this place for good. 

Now I can see my pirate.  

A/N: Hey. Hope you liked this chapter. I will update the next one on friday because I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks on Saturday. If there's internet I will try and get a chapter to you in those 2 weeks but there probably won't be. Thank you for all your reads, votes and comments it really does mean a lot to me. 

Bye for now


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