Chapter 23 - Just Visiting

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Emma's POV

I wait until nightfall. Then I strike. 

I climb over my balcony wall after picking the lock with ease and hit the floor without a sound. I'm wearing a black dress and a matching cloak to hide me in the dark. I make no sound as I tiptoe round the side of the castle and slip into one of the secret entrances undetected. 

Get to the dungeons. That's all I could think of. Get to Killian. Get to Leia. Get to your family. 

I get to the end of the secret corridor and peek my head around the corner to make sure that no one is there. 

When I can see that the corridor is empty I tiptoe down it making sure to keep to the shadows. That's when I reach the dungeons. Time to put my plan into action. 

On my fifteenth birthday we had a visitor. Her name was Mulan and she was a friend of my mother and fathers. She knew it was my birthday and brought me some powder made from magic poppies. She told me that it could put anyone to sleep and might be useful one day. 

I never used it and I'm glad I didn't, I kept it hidden under my bed for an emergency and now, now is that emergency. Put the guards to sleep, tell Killian my plan and tell him my news. That's phase one.

I push the door open, my hood securely over my face and am instantly greeted by the guards, just not as they usually greet me! 

"Hey who are you? Why are you in here?" They shout and I blow some of the powder into their faces. They all hit the ground with a loud thud and I hear more footsteps approach. 

I put every guard to sleep that comes my way and I think I've got them all. I'm pretty sure none of them saw my face, if they did they would tell my parents when they awoke and my plan would be ruined. The only problem is I've used all of the sleeping powder. I won't be able to sneak them out tonight but I wasn't planning on it anyway. 

I turn the corner and run down the dark hallway, the walls of them littered with cells. There are 2 of the crew members in each cell. I'm relived to see that they aren't that badly hurt. 

They look at me weirdly when I pass and I realize I still have my hood over my face. I'd remove it but I haven't seen Killian or Leia yet and I'm getting worried they aren't here. 

I finally reach the last cell, its darker at this end of the dungeon and I can only make out 2 figures at the back of the cell. They are both sitting against the wall. One of them has their head on the others chest and I know that this must be my two favourite pirates.

I walk closer to the cell and Leia (Who had her head on Killian's chest) notices me. She lifts her head up and stands up stepping in front of Killian and into the small amount of light.

They don't know who I am.

Leia's protecting him. Why is leia protecting him? He wouldn't let her unless he was unable to stop her. 

"If you're going to hurt us then at least stop being a coward and show us your face as you do it." I heard her words but I couldn't look away, couldn't bring myself to reply.

Her voice was strained and not as loud as it usually was but it had the same bravery and authority in it that it always did. 

I wanted to say something but I was frozen in place. Killian had started to move towards her giving me a better view of his injuries. How can one man bleed so much? One of his eyes was sealed shut, his hair, bloody and matted in the front.

 How can one man bleed so much? One of his eyes was sealed shut, his hair, bloody and matted in the front

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