Chapter 13 - Planning

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Killian's POV

The sun shines into my cabin through the small windows of the captains quarters. I smile as I remember the events of last night. She is amazing! She has no idea how beautiful she looked, how when she giggles she makes me want to kiss her and never stop. How I missed her the moment she walked into her cabin even though I was going to see her  the next morning anyway. I suddenly wish she was here, wrapped up in my arms next to me sleeping soundly. 

I pull myself out of bed and get dressed. Fuelled with the urge to see my beautiful swan. My Swan. I do like the sound of that. Emma Swan, Princess Emma Charming, she is mine and mine alone. She is her own woman, obviously I'm not in control of her but I am courting Princess Emma Charming. 

I step out into the hall and knock on the door to her room. There is a series of footsteps and the door opens revealing Emma. Her hair is messy and she looks tired but this makes her even more beautiful. 

The frown she was wearing when she opened the door quickly transformed into a smile when she recognised me. I suddenly realised that I must have woken her up, I hadn't considered the time,  she always sleeps in later than me.

"Hey Killian." 

"Sorry Swan did I wake you."

"Yea but its ok Leia would have barged in soon anyway." She said laughing. Bloody hell that laugh is intoxicating. "Do you want to come in?" She asks sweetly with a hopeful smile on her face.

"If that's ok with you." 

She opens the door wider so I can enter. After I step through the door she shuts it behind me. 

"So what can I do for you Captain?" She asks with a smirk. I smile at her and shake my head.

"I don't really know. I think I just wanted to see you're beautiful face." I say and she looks at the ground trying and failing to hide the blush on her cheeks, which is amusing. 

When she can focus on me again her cheeks are still a little flushed. She moves to sit down on her bed and pats the space next to her silently gesturing for me to come and sit there. I walk over and sit down wrapping my arm around her shoulder as she wraps hers around my waist and rests her head on my chest sighing happily. I kiss the top of her head and we just stay in that comfortable silence for a while. Enjoying each others company.

Leia's POV

When I wake up the first thought on my mind is how it went with Emma and My brother last night. I jump out of my small uncomfortable bed and go to the door joining Emma's room to mine.

I reach for the handle and push open the door quietly in case Emma is still asleep. 

She isn't. Neither is Killian. In fact they are both sat on her bed with locked lips totally lost in each other.

I clear my throat to make myself known. Yes I think they are a perfect match. Yes I think they both deserve this. Yes I think they are adorable. But that DOES NOT mean I want to see my Brother and My best friend Sharing their Saliva!

They pull away from each other so fast that if you blinked you would miss it and then stare at me dumbfounded. 

"I'm going to go now." I say and turn around and walk out leaving them gaping at one another.

Emma's POV


After Leia walked in on us, we came back to the real world, Killian said goodbye to me and went to round up the crew in the galley and tell them about the raid. 

I went to find Leia,  it went well, no awkwardness, we just laughed it off. We then went to join the crew.

We walked in to the galley and quietly went to stand around the table next to Smee and another crew member named Jack (Who I had become good friends with during my short time on The Roger.) Killian was standing opposite me and everyone was gathered around one of the large rectangular tables,  a map of hand-written blueprints laid out on it. 

"Men-" Killian started but Leia cleared her throat interrupting him. He looked at her quizzically,   which I can only imagine is connected to her walking in on us this morning. She must have thought that too because she smiled at him and then pointed to herself and then me silently, telling him that there were no longer only men on this ship and then smirked at him. He just looked at her with a raised eyebrow in what was supposed to be an 'are you serious' look. I held in a laugh at that but couldn't hold in the amused smile that crept onto my face, she had a point! 

Killian sighed and then restarted his speech.

"Mates, here in front of you is the layout of  Greenflower Castle. In a week we will dock in Greenflower's secret port behind the village so as to not be detected. The royal family is hosting a ball in a week so we will take that opportunity to raid the palace. Here is my plan. Emma and I will go to the ball undercover, its a masquerade ball so no one is going to recognise us. Once in we will have access to all these locked doors."  As he explains he is pointing at places on the map. "We will open these from the inside and then return to the ballroom where most of the palace guard will be stationed. We will give you an hour to grab anything that looks shiny and expensive and then you will make your way back to the ship where we will get the hell out of there. Does anyone have any questions?" Killian wraps up the details of his plan and all sounds good to me. 

"I do cap'n" One of the men asks. 

"Yes Turner?"

"Why is Swan goin' in and not ye Sister." He askes and  Leia, Killian and I all tense up. Of course the real reason I'm going and not Leia is because I have experience with palace etiquette because I was a princess and Leia would look out of place at a ball but the crew doesn't know that. 

"I used to live in the Charming's kingdom and they open their royal balls up to everyone so I've been to quite a few before." I answered quickly. They seemed happy with that and no one asked any further questions. The plan was set in motion. 

After the meeting was over Killian came up to me in the galley. 

"So, A ball huh?" I asked him.

"Aye. Thought It'd be fun. Listen we were all going to go down to the tavern this evening, you coming?" 

"Of course I am." I answer, surprising him a little. So I just laugh and say, "It'll be fun." mimicking his accent, wink at him and walk out. This will be fun indeed.

A/N: Heyyy Oncers sorry this took so long to update I had to find time to proof read it. Shorter chapter this time I think the next one will be longer but I don't know. I can't remember if I mentioned before I have ideas for a sequel that I'm really exited for. Thankyou for all of your comments and votes I really appreciate it. I really hope you are enjoying this story.

Bye for now 


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