Chapter 29 - The land of second Chances

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Emma's POV

I land with a thud on an uneven floor clutching my belly to try and cushion the fall for the baby. I hear a thud next to me and look to my right to see my pirate in shining leather who immediately jumps to his feet to help me off the ground. 

"Did we do it?" He asks "Are we safe?" 

"Well we certainly aren't in the enchanted forest anymore so I think we must have." I have the biggest smile on my face. I'm starting to feel the weight lifting from my shoulders already. He grins at me and steps closer wrapping one of his arms around my waist and putting his other hand on my stomach. He then connects our lips and kisses me passionately revelling in the fact that we're safe. Eventually we stop to breathe in the fresh air all around us and Killian rests his forehead against mine. 

"I love you." I tell him.

"I love you too. Both of you." I smile and give him a quick peck on the lips before breaking away from his embrace and looking around. 

This land is strange to say the least. We are on the edge of a forest but there is a wide pathway cutting through the middle of it and it looks like the carriage ways in the enchanted forest that I used to ride down when I lived in the palace. 

There isn't much to be seen other than that but I suspect if we follow the carriageway then we will find a village of some sort. Killian take's my hand and we walk along the unusually smooth path until we find a large sign post made of an unusual material. There are 2 words written on the sign, not quite distinguishable from this distance but it was a relief to know that there was some sort of human life here. 

"Are you Emma Charming?" I jump at the sudden noise and feel Killian's grip on my hand tighten as we turn around and are met by the smiling face of a woman. She looked about my age, maybe a little older. She had dark hair that halted at her shoulders and had an oddly familiar look about her. 

"Who are you?" Killian asked rather harshly with a sour look on his face. 

"I'm not going to hurt anyone. I just want to know if you're Emma charming." She looks at me as she answers Killian's question. My own begin to arise. How does she know my old name? Why is she here? What is this place? Should I even answer her?

"I am but it's Swan now I don't want my parents name anymore."

She smiles at that and takes some more steps closer. It's not an evil smile but Killian's overprotective side kicks in and he flings an arm out in front of me, "Tell us where we are!" 

"Relax, Guyliner, you're in the land of second chances, the town's that way." She points to the direction behind us. I look at Killian's confused face and push his hand away reassuringly.
"We have been waiting for you for a long time. Follow me I'll take you to the town." She turns around and starts to lead us to this town she spoke of. 

"Who are you?" 

She turns back around and smiles again. "I'm Regina Mills," She starts to turn around and then remembers something and thinks better of it, "Oh, and, welcome to Storybrooke."

Regina's POV

2 months ago

The worst part about this is that I'd just found my happy ending. I had just put revenge behind me. I had just opened my heart to love and it was gone again and this time I'm entirely to blame.

One of the countless other bad things is that this dammed curse reminds me of that every morning.

I'm the only one that remembers. I've tried everything. I can't break it, even if it was my curse. 

The only hope for the town now is the saviour. I just have to hope that the daughter of my old nemesis comes to save us all. I know it's stupid to hold onto hope when I've lost everything but what else can I do. So I go through my tedious morning routine and get ready for work. 

Unfortunately this includes making a mental list of all the other bad things.

1) I lost the only family I've ever known. 

2) No one else is awake.

3) The saviour will probably never find true love and break the curse because of her insipid, secret-spilling, overbearing parents. 

4) I have been freakin pregnant for 20 freakin years! 
- added bonus the father doesn't even remember me!

and, yep there we go. Next thing I'm hunched over the toilet for the next 10 minutes. 

That Evening

I saw him again today. Perfectly happy and content with his family, the family that we built together. 

Sighing I look out of the window at the glimmering stars in the night sky. I wonder sometimes if he is looking at them at the same time?

That's when something unusual happens! The north star starts to glow. Not just any glow, it looks like its getting closer, it looks like it's- 


The wind passes through me and it all starts to flood back. Changing the curse to a blessing, doing everything right, creating Storybrooke. Zelina! 

She changed it! I remember now! This wasn't my fault! 

It's hers.

Even with the memory of my villainous half sister ruining my happiness a smile breaks across my face. A smile breaks onto my face because its broken. She lost. We won. The magic is back. The saviour found true love. We're free! 

Getting a handle on my magic takes me a few tries but since I was the one who built magic into the spell it wasn't that difficult. 

With a flick of my hand I transport myself to his house. Purple smoke envelopes me and when it clears I'm standing  in front of my true love and my wicked sister. Robins face is full of fear and when he turns to look at me there's a small flicker of relief but also guilt. I shrug it off, thinking he was probably just feeling guilty for thinking he was married to her and make a mental note to remind him that it's the curse that has made him think that.  When I turn to my sister though, my face also clouds with confusion. Zelina has a smile as wide as the Cheshire cat's and that's what rings alarm bells. She lost, she should be seething with anger. 

"Robin" His name, his real one, feels like a song ringing from my lips. I don't care what evil Zelina cooked up he's here and so am I. We remember and we can be happy. 

"Regina!" I laugh and run into his waiting arms. Our kiss feels like an oasis after years in a drought, which in a way it is. It's been 20 years since this happened and although time didn't move and we didn't age it still feels like 20 years have passed, its a sensation I can't explain. 

"Come on, get Roland and lets go." I pull him by the hand but he wont move! He stood there rooted to the spot, staring at Zelina with wide horrified eyes. 

"Robin? What's wrong? Come on lets go!" I try to pull him again but he is still rooted to the spot.

That's when Zelina speaks up,
"Do you want to tell her or should I?"

Her evil smirk only growing with my confusion. 


He turns to me a grim expression on his face, unshed tears in his eyes. I knew that the next thing he said wouldn't be good but nothing could have prepared me for what he said next. 

"She's pregnant!"

A/N: Ok so this is where things get confusing. There will be things that happen in the show like this but they will be a little different like this. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Life update I have Covid so I'm either going to be really ill and have no time to write or fine and really board and have loads of time to write. I'm hoping for the second one but either could happen so sorry if I don't update for a while. I'm fine at the moment but most people I know who have had it were fine at the start and then got ill. 

Bye for now


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