Chapter 28 - The bean

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Killian's POV

We had been on the water for a day before we were far enough away from Misthaven to hold Leia's funeral. 

It was the first time Emma had been on deck since her death. I hated this, I just wanted things to be back to the way they were.

She came over to stand by my side wrapping her arms around me scared that I would leave too if she left me alone for too long. Neither of us said anything as we watched the crew throw her body, which was placed inside a brown bag, over the side of the ship and join her forever with the place she loved. 

Jack said a few words about how she was an amazing friend and crew member and that he doesn't know how we will be able to get by without her and then turned to me. 

"Captain, would you like to say anything?" He asked. I took a shaky breath and began. 

"Leia was more than just my little sister. She was the person who has known me for the longest. She knew everything about me, even some things that were impossible for her to know. She always spoke her mind, which was not always great but that's what I loved about her, she knew she wasn't perfect but she didn't care. She was one of the only people I would let speak ill of me and I will miss her terribly." By the end of my speech Emma was in tears and I looked at her silently asking if she wanted to say anything. She nodded and wiped her tears on her sleeve. 

"She was a really great friend and I don't know how I'm gonna move on." She managed to choke out. 

We stood there for a while looking at where her body was thrown off the side of the ship and taking comfort in each others arms while the crew went about their daily activities. 

"I guess it's true what they say about magic." Emma's whisper is so quiet I almost didn't hear it. I look at her confused telling her to continue. "They say that all magic come's with a price. I just didn't think that that applied to true love as well, but I guess that's a form of magic isn't it?" 

"What do you mean love?"

"The price for us sharing true love is that we loose Leia. The price of my parent's sharing true love is that they loose me. I just hope that's the only price we have to pay." 

Jack's POV

A few weeks after Leia's funeral, I still don't feel any better. It wasn't just The Captain and Emma who lost something that night, everyone did. I've known Leia most of my life and she helped me through some really tough times. Her death left a hole in my heart and I don't think it's something that can be easily removed. 

I'm trudging down the corridors of the ship heading to the Captain's quarters because he wanted to see me. We've barely seen anything of Emma since Leia died and the Captain has been in a really bad mood, I think if it wasn't for him having Emma by his side, half of the crew would have died by now. 

When I reach the grand oak door I knock sharply on the door 3 times and hear a hurried breathy 'come in' in a feminine voice. 

I push the door open and immediately regretted it. Emma was quickly lacing up her vest and the Captain looked pissed. 

"Er, sorry I'll, I'll come back later." I awkwardly stutter turning to leave the room. 

"No no it's fine, we still need to talk to you." Emma's apologetic voice calls. I turn back around and notice that the captain has gone to the back of the cabin and is suddenly taking great interest in whatever is outside the window, which, as far as I can tell is just sea since we are in the middle of it. 

Emma was standing in the middle of the room with her hand on her stomach. They haven't officially told us that they're expecting a baby yet but it's blatantly obvious. Emma has her hand on her stomach almost every time I've seen her and whenever he can the Captain does the same. I don't think either of them know they do it but I'm happy for them anyways.  

"What would you like to talk to me about?" 

The Captain turned around and walked over to Emma absentmindedly placing a hand on her stomach too. 

"Me and Emma have thought about it and we think it's best if we disappear. Her parents are never going to stop hunting us and if they find us again then we might not get as lucky as we did this time." He began and I started to understand what this was all about. 

"We won't be safe anywhere we go in this realm, they just have too much power!" Emma jumps in continuing. "But if we went to somewhere that they don't have any power, somewhere that they will never think to look. We could be safe." She finished and I had pieced it all together.

"You want to leave the realm, don't you?" I ask. 

"Aye." The Captain said looking to Emma who gave him a confirming nod then he looked back at me and continued. "Emma's pregnant. We can't stay here. If they find us again then we will be putting the future of our child at risk."

I nodded in understanding, they have already made up their minds why are they telling me this? 

"Jack," Emma stated calling me out of my thoughts. "We obviously can't take the Roger with us so it's going to need a new Captain. Since Smee is unavailable and Leia's well, you know, the only other person we can think of to take up the mantel is, well, you." She says smiling. 

Did I hear that right?
Me? Captain of the Jolly Roger!
Wow, I mean just wow! 

"If you want to? If its too much we can try to think of someone else." Emma always thinks of everything even down to me feeling pressured to do this. I thought I would at least have a few doubts but I don't. This is the first thing that feels right since Leia died. 

"I'll take good care of her Captain I promise, and if you two ever find yourselves back in this realm you'll always be her rightful Captain." 

He smiles and walks over to his desk where he picks up a hat, one I hadn't noticed before. 

Every pirate Captain has a hat even if you don't wear it. There's always one somewhere. It's so that when you pass on your Captaincy to someone else, there's a way to tell that it did in fact happen because most Captains prefer to do this in private. 

Walking back over to me he holds it out in front of me and places it on my head. We're not royals, well except for Emma I guess, we don't have to say vows or something stupid like that so all the Captain says is, 

"Take good care of her. She's yours now. Captain Jack Sparrow."

Emma's POV

We let Jack go above deck and tell the crew after we had explained to him that were leaving at first light. We can't take any chances! Killian happened to have a bean stowed away somewhere, he had planned to sell it off, thank god he didn't.

When we climb the stairs to the deck the next morning  to say our goodbyes, the whole crew applauds. I'm told it's another pirate tradition. We say our goodbyes and I tell every single person that I'm going to miss them dearly.

When I get to Jack I smile, he's wearing the hat that Killian gave him. He's happy. 

"Bye Jack I'll miss you." 

"I believe there should be a Captain in that sentence somewhere." He jokes, embracing me in a goodbye hug. I laugh and soon it's time to go. 

Time to step into the unknown.

Time to start our new life.

Time to be free. 

The bean is thrown on the ground and Killian takes my hand and squeezes. I look at the swirling green vortex below us and then at my true love. He smiles and we both know what to do. Think of our second chance.

Then we're jumping. Hands interlocked. Smiles on our faces. Jumping into our happy ending. Wait no. 

Jumping into our happy beginning.

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've had a lot going on now I'm back at school but I am going to finish this book. Hope you liked this chapter and I've now got quite a bit of free time over the summer. 

Bye for now


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