demon's can bite

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The first few chapters take place before princess prom and Mystacor so Adora,bow and Glimmer have met mermista, Entrapta and Perfuma already.

Also all the Princesses except for frosts are mid twenties/late twenties

Adoras Pov:

Angella was speaking to us in the library."wait so demon's aren't all gross looking"Mermista said.

"no,Demons come in all forms but it's very common for them to abandon young."Angella said sadly "if they don't see the child as perfect then there's a good chance they will be killed or Abandoned.".

I looked at The door to the library."do you think that's what happened with them?"I asked.

Angella Frowned."I'm afraid so"Angella said."that's so sad"Perfuma said tearing up.

"Adora I'll need you to talk to them about it."Angella said "they seem more comfortable with you than me".

I nodded."ok."I agreed.Angella walked with me to the room were the girl was being held."but I do warn you Adora demon's can be quite bitey."Angella said.

"yeah I should know"I said looking at the scratch and Bite mark I received which had scared up and turned white.Angella opened the door and we was met with the sight of messed up room.

There was claw marks everywhere.On the celling,on the floor,the walls,furniture and so on.There was bite marks on the furniture and much more.

"so what do I say."I ask."you just need to be calm and loving towards them"Angella replied walking away as the doors closed behind.I walked into the room and sat down on one of the seats that was leaking stuffing.

"hey are you here"I said awkwardly.I heard a growl and she appeared next to me."oh hi"I said trying to pet her hair like I did to Catra.

She swatted my hand away and walked over to the bed and started to tear the feathers out."hey don't do that"I said as I went to grab her.

She hissed and backed away."see I'm not going to hurt you"I said raising my arms.Her hackles lowed and she sat down."so what's your name"I asked.No response came.

"ok how about I tell you mine first then you tell me yours"I said."my name's Adora"I said introducing myself.The demon searched my expression before saying.


adopting a demon (Shera oc/persona insert)Where stories live. Discover now