light hope part two

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Illusions Pov:

"She was compromised. She gave in to fear and faulty reasoning."Light hope said "Her desperate actions led to devastation. Mara stranded us in the empty dimension of Despandos. She broke the She-Ra line. She nearly destroyed us."

"...Adora. I have waited here for a thousand years alone. I did not know if I would ever see another She-Ra."light hope continued" You must stay here and train. Learn to be the She-Ra that Mara could not be."

I watched in Intrest in what was happening "I will. I will do whatever you want. I'll come back, and train, and learn about everything."Adora said." But I have to heal Glimmer first. I can save the planet and save her."

I watched Adora gasp as Light hope showed her memories.

"You feel guilt at these memories. It is as you said, your friends are endangered by your presence."light hope said as I looked down at the floor would that mean she'll abandon me too "It is better to let go now."

"But...I can't just leave my friends..."Adora said.

Me and Adora gasp when the room around us glitches.

" The Horde is hurting us. Balance Etheria."light hope said distortedly.

"Light Hope? Light Hope, come back! I don't--I don't know what to do."Adora panicked.I felt myself get faint and then I fainted.

Adoras Pov:

" Adoraa..."I heard someone calling my name


I opened my eyes to see a horse with a horn.

"Our horse?"I asked.

"Once again, I'm no one's horse. I'm Swift Wind."He said excitedly.

"You can talk?"I said shocked." Yes, I can talk."he deadpanned." You can talk?"I gasped.

"Honestly I wouldn't be surprised seeing a talking horse after all the stuff we've seen"I heard Illusion mumble.

I rolled my eyes I was still mad at her for being here in the first place and all the other stuff she's done.

" I can see now why you're friends with Bow and Glimmer."swift wind said" They need your help, which is why I'm here. So....which way's the exit?"

"I don't know. Light Hope disappeared and I-I don't know if I should go back."I said upset.

"What do you mean?"Illusion asked a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Light Hope said if I leave here, I'll make things worse. She's right."I said looking at the sword" Everyone will be better off if I just stay far away from them. It's-It's for the greater good."

" Well, that's just stupid."swift wind deadpanned.

"What? No, it's not."I said back.

"Adora, I've had the ability to form complex thought for like...a week, and even I know you can't help anyone by hiding."swift wind said wisely"Where would all the horses I freed from their barns be if I just sat in a pasture and moped?"

"I am not moping..."I said.

"Yes you are"Illusion shouted from where she was leaning.

"I'm not! I hurt people, I ruined my friends' lives!"I yelled.

" If that's true, then why are Bow and Glimmer here trying to rescue you?"Swift wind said

A Hologram of Bow and Glimmer fighting off the spiders appeared and holding Adora in reality.

"Bow and Glimmer are risking their lives. Not because you're She-Ra, but because you're their friend. "Swift wind said "What good is all your power if you don't use it to help the people that you love?"

" ...I'm not Mara. I'm not the She-Ras of the past. I didn't do this to fulfill some destiny. I became She-Ra to help others. "I said determinedly "My attachments, my friends, are a part of who I am."

"So. Are you staying? Or going?"Illusion asked.

"Let's go."I said picking up Illusion.

No pov:

"Adora! You're back!"Glimmer yelled in happiness"and you found Illusion"

" Adora! Spiders!"bow yelled his voice cracking.

The spiders squealed.

"For the honor...of Grayskull!"Adora yelled.

She-Ra stabbed into the spiders, grunting.

Bow, Glimmer and Swift Wind laugh and neigh in happiness while Illusion growled at any spider that came near her.

The door to the castle opens and they charge out into the blizzard, Swift Wind neighing and She-Ra cutting their path through the forest; a tree falling causes everyone to gasp.

"Now, Swifty!"Shera yelled holding onto Illusion.

"Hold on!"swift wind yelled.

Everyone shouted apart from Illusion who screamed in delight as Swift Wind ascended past the clouds.

"Guys, look!"bow yelled.

Lightning crackled behind them.

" It's not just the's..."Glimmer t.

"It's the entire world."Shera said.

"Bright Moon. Swift Wind, hurry!"Glimmer yelled.

Swift Wind neighed as lightning crackled behind them.

adopting a demon (Shera oc/persona insert)Where stories live. Discover now