light hope part one

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No pov:

Adora yelled as her body wrapped around the young Demon.Illusion was also screaming but it was muffled by Adoras arms.Adora heard disembodied voices in her head before yelling

" For the honor...of Grayskull!"But it didn't work as they fell to the floor.

Adora screamed, then again in surprise at new scenery which made Illusion jump in her arms as said demon scrambled out her arms.

"Hello, Adora."Adora and Illusion screeched as the hollogram popped up"You've come at last."

"Light Hope... I can't believe I'm really seeing you. I mean, I've seen you in my brain, I think. But this is real! "Adora chuckled nervously as Illusion rolled her eyes" Is this real? Wait, am I dead? I fell...I'm sorry, I'm freaking out."

"Get to the point"Illusion yelled from where she was standing."shush or I put you in timeout"Adora said.

" I'm Adora."Adora said clearing her throat.

" Yes, I know. I have been waiting for you since you were an infant, but I could not reach you. "Light hope said."And I could not protect you from the Horde. I watched you grow up from afar."

"Ok that's a whole load of creepy"Illusion said.

"I'm sorry who's is this I can't pick up on their signal"Light hope asked.

"This is Illusion she's a demon so that's probably why."Adora said."also Wow, that's--that's kind of creepy, honestly."

" Creepy? Yes. I have been called this before. I chose this form so as not to alarm you,"light hope said getting back to the matter at hand."but if it does not suit you, I will choose another."

Light Hope disappeared and reappeared in a different form.Adora screamed as Illusion laughed.

" Is this better?"light hope asked as Adora get screaming.

"Oh, no. That's--that's, um, that's definitely way worse."Adora said.

Light Hope changed back.

"Forgive me. My human protocol is many years out of date."Light hope said Form and digital tone shifts and glitches" Allow me to select a new form that you will find appealing."

" Ooh, no, no, that's, thank you! No, that's enough, tha--no, that's--that's, that's t-totally okay, please stop! "Adora Groaned

"I don't want to be rude, but,who are you?"Illusion asked in a sort of snarky tone.

"I am Light Hope, Etheria's facilitator. I was created by the First Ones, as you call them."Light hope Said

" Okay, quick follow-up...who are the First Ones?"Adora asked.

"The First Ones were explorers who journeyed from beyond the stars to settle Etheria."light hope spoke" They built this place for you...the Crystal Castle."

Adora shouted when Light Hope appeared suddenly next to her.

"Adora, I've waited so long for you, and now the time has come to show you your destiny."light hope spoke.

" Great, because I actually had a quest--"Adora spoke before getting interrupted.

"You are She-Ra, Etheria's champion, appointed by the First Ones to protect and unite our planet."Light hope spoke calmly yet roboticly" There have been many before you, but the line was broken." Adora gasped when the hologram She-Ra disappears

"You are the first She-Ra in a thousand years."

"Is there something you do not understand? I can start again from the beginning, if you would like."light hope spoke.

Adora shook her hands and groans negatively, Light Hope disappeared then reappeared where she stood initially in the room.

" I am Light Hope, Etheria's facilitator--"

Illusion Groaned draging her claws over her face.

Adora walked forward and scared herself by fazing through Light Hope, shouting.

"No, no, I got it."Adora said.

"Have I mentioned that you are chosen?"light hope said as Illusion burst out laughing.

"Can we skip to the part about my powers? I need to learn how to heal my friend."Adora said glaring at Illusion.

"Your...friend?"light hope questioned.

"Yes. Shadow Weaver did something to Glimmer and took her powers away. I need to figure out how to heal her."Adora asked.

" Her connection with her Runestone was disrupted."light hope said.

"Can I fix it?"Adora asked.

"You will be able to do many incredible things...with training."light hope spoke.

"Great. So, uh, how long will this training take--like a day, or--"Adora questioned.

"Years."light hope said as Illusion burst out laughing again as Adora glared at her and made a shushing motion.

"Years?! Glimmer doesn't have years. She's hurt because of me, I messed up."Adora pleaded" I got Glimmer and Bow captured, and Entrapta--it's my fault! ...I have to fix it."

"Yes, your mission is to fix the planet."light hope said.

"My mission is to help my friends. That's why I came here."Adora said.

" You are She-Ra. Your purpose is to protect all of Etheria. You cannot help only your friends."Light hope said.

"Why can't she do both shes more that capable."Illusion said flicking rocks with her claws.

"Why can't I do both?"Adora said agreeing with the Demon.

"Adora, you do not yet realize the power you have. "Light hope spoke her hand glitched as she 'touched' Adora's shoulder]"You are distracted by your attachments. There was one before you who could not let go. Her name was Mara."

" Mara? Madame Razz's Mara? What happened to her?"Adora asked as Illusion raised an eyebrow.

" Mara was the last She-Ra before you. She struggled with a power that she could not control. "light hope said"Until it became too much for her mind."

"...She snapped?"Adora gulped.

adopting a demon (Shera oc/persona insert)Where stories live. Discover now