fluterina part 1

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Also thank you for reading this fic I'm so sorry for leaving it for so long, I'm hoping to get more chapters up soon! :)

No Pov:

"That's when Adora turned her sword into a giant spear, skewered a bot, and then used the bot to hit more bots."Bow said telling Glimmer what happened.

"And I bit a few soldiers"Illusion said smugly as Echo giggled as she kissed Illusion making her purr.

"And then Bow used his slick oil arrow to slip them up, and then right off a cliff. Bam!"Adora said happily.

"And I kicked them."Swift said proudly.

"Yes! Get them."Glimmer said cheering.

" But we were totally surrounded. And then..."Adora said

"My new surge device worked perfectly. Took out the rest of the bots in one go."bow continued.

"And I kicked them."Swift wind said.

"And I bit"Illusion said almost pulling Adora down as Illusion jumped onto Adora's shoulders before Adora picked her up and took her off her shoulders.

"Amazing! These bots didn't stand a chance against the Best Friend Squad!"Glimmer gasps" I really wish I could've been there. At least you'll be back soon, right?"

"Uh...Soon. Yeah. There's just one more thing we have to take care of."Bow said.

"Just some really boring wrap-up stuff."Adora said.

"The people love us because we saved Elberon, so they're throwing us a celebratory dinner."Swift wind said proudly as illusion rolled her eyes.

"Heh. A dinner? That sounds fun."Glimmer said sort of sadly.

"Oh, it's really not a big deal."Adora said.

"Yeah, I mean I bet they do this for everyone."Bow said trying to cheer up Glimmer.

" You guys, of course they wanna thank you. You freed a whole town from Horde control. I just..."Glimmer grunts in annoyance.

"Well, if you need us, we can totally skip out on this dinner thing."Adora smiled."maybe illusion could stay with you "

Illusion hisses at this,she wasn't going to miss out or be Glimmer's assistant.

"No it's ok"Glimmer said "Go enjoy your victory."

"Great, because I am famished. Are we going now?"Swift wine said.

"You really aren't missing anything. You know, we'll drop by to be polite and then head home."Bow smiled.

"Yep. I'm sure it'll be super boring."Illusion said shrugging.


Children laughed as they ran around playing.

" It's a party."Adora smiled.

" It's a big party."Illusion growled as some children looked at her curiously.

"And it's for us."Adora smiled.

"It's a big party for us."Bow smiled.

" As individuals? Is that normal? Does this happen often?"Adora asked confused.

" Ah, there you are. Our heroes. Oh, we couldn't possibly thank you enough for liberating our town."The mayor smiled.

"We sort of do this a lot. You really, really didn't have to go through all this trouble."Adora smiled.

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