the price of power part one

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No Pov:

Adora was asleep in her room at bright moon.

Illusion was asleep by her feet after having a nightmare.

Adora Groaned in sleep as Illusion moved in her sleep accidentally kicking Adora.

Shadow Weaver reaching for sleeping Adora.

Adora shouted at shadow weaver, waking Illusion up who hissed angrily.

"intrusus" Illusion spat.

"Adora... "shadow weaver moaned before collapsing.

"Shadow Weaver?"Adora said calming down Illusion.


" Double the perimeter, and triple it at the Moonstone. No one sleeps until we figure out how Shadow Weaver got into the castle."Angela commanded.

"Why are we stopping here?"Castsapella asked.

"This where we're holding the prisoner."Angela said.

" This is your prison?"Castsapella asked.

"Well, technically it's the spare room, but it is more than adequate as a holding cell. We removed the cushions."She pauses" Most of the cushions."

"This is the prison?"Illusion asked.

"Yes, it's the prison."

"Your Majesty, I know Shadow Weaver. I know her tricks. I need to be there for the interrogation, I'm the only one who –"Adora said before getting interrupted.

"Shadow Weaver is dangerous. I will not let that woman near you. Near any of you. You are to stay away from this room."Angela commanded.

"But, Your Majesty --"

"That is final."

Castaspella and Angella enter the prison.

" I need to get in there. Shadow Weaver could have gone anywhere, but she came here. I need to know why. If the queen would just listen to me –"Adora Growled.

"Adora, maybe this is for the best. Shadow Weaver raised you. She knows how to get in your head. We can't risk her manipulating you."Glimmer said.

"That won't happen.Fine. I guess we should all just head back to bed, get some sleep, heh, let the obviously unqualified Bright Moon Guards handle this."Adora yawned.

" You're gonna try and sneak in, aren't you?"Illusion said.

"What? No. "Adora chuckled and then started running.

"No! "

Glimmer teleported Adora.

The trio in Glimmer's bed, Glimmer asleep. Bow and Adora facing each other. Adora's eyes close, Bow's eyes close. Adora opens eyes, sneaks out.

Illusion fell asleep upside down.


She teleports with Adora

Adora climbing Bright Moon's castle wall. Glimmer teleports her.

Adora in Bright Moon Guard uniform.

Glimmer teleported her again.

" Look, I told you, I just need to talk to her."Adora said.

"Ugh, Adora, Shadow Weaver will try to hurt you again."Glimmer Growled.

"You don't know that."Adora said.

" Yes, I do. She's from the Horde.I may not be from here but I can tell She's evil. Evil people don't change."Illusion said as memories of her parents filled her head.

" I'm from the Horde. I changed."Adora said.

"That's different. You're not like them. You're good, and kind, and –"Bow said.

"And She-Ra?"Adora said as her sword thrums.

"I was just like the rest of them, and then I left. Not because I picked up this Sword, but because it was the right thing to do. I have to believe that the others can change too, even Shadow Weaver. Just – Just trust me, okay? I'm strong enough to face her now. I need to know if she's truly changed. If the woman who raised me still has some good deep down inside her. Deep, deep down inside her."Adora said.

" We trust you, but we won't let you face her alone. Now, what do you need us to do?"Bow said.


"You guys go in. I'll distract them."Bow said.

Glimmer teleports Adora and Illusion.

"Adora."Shadow Weaver coughed"and you bought the demon too"

"Listen up, lady. After all your kidnapping and mind-wiping and ms getting shot in the chest I am just looking for a reason to serve up a little payback. So, if you do anything to hurt my mom"Illusion hissed.

"Illusion. I've to this."Adora said comforting the demon.

"Look at you, my Adora."Shadow Weaver said.

" You snuck into Bright Moon. Why? That's the only reason we're speaking."Adora said as Illusion flipped a knife she held in her claws that she had found.

" To see you. You are the only one I can trust. I've missed you, my child."Shadow Weaver said.

" We're past that. Try again."

" Clever. You always were. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I know you were different. You were -"Shadow Weaver said before getting interrupted.

"Special? No. What you always told me was that I didn't matter. I was special only as long as I obeyed you. Why are you here?"Adora spat.

Shadow Weaver started coughing.

"What? What's happening to you?"Adora asked.

" It took all of my magical power to come to you. I am dying, Adora."

" You're lying."

"Mom. I don't think she is."Illusion said she could sense it.the scent of graveyard soil and blood was fading and replaced with something else.

"For the Honor of Grayskull."

"I don't know why you're here, but I won't let you suffer like this. I'm going to heal you, Shadow Weaver, and then you will answer our questions. Do we have a deal?"Shera said coldly.

"Adora, you don't know how to heal."Glimmer said.

"I can figure it out. She'll die if I don't."Shera said.

"Maybe I can help. I was once a teacher of magic in Mystacor. I trained your father, Princess. I can help you control your magic, Adora but first... you must trust me."Shadow Weaver said.

" Fine, but in return, you trust me. Trust that I'm not stupid. Trust that I'll see right through your mind games. Stop lying for once and trust me with the truth."Shera said.

adopting a demon (Shera oc/persona insert)Where stories live. Discover now