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An; I'm writing this instead of pulse because I couldn't see a way to add Illusion into it,So here's some of her and Adora having tension.

This happens after pulse.

No Pov:

Illusion stormed back to her room,her wings twitching angrily.

She had yet again got into an argument with her mother again.

It was over Fluterina, Illusion still didn't trust her and kept trying to tell Adora that she wasn't who she thought she was.

"I can't believe her"Illusion hissed as she stormed around her room.

She kicked her bed with her hoof and sat down on it angrily.

"my love?"

Illusion turned to see Echo land on her balcony.

"Echo!"Illusion smiled and ran to Echo embracing her in and hug.

"what's happened this time?"Echo asked.

"She still won't believe me,That little"Illusion hissed something that made Echo giggle"she has them wrapped around her small pink finger"

Illusion's tail flicks angrily as she growls.

Echo looked at Illusion sadly and brought her into a hug.

"I'm sure she'll believe you soon."Echo smiled.

Illusion huffed and covered her head with her pillow.

Echo sighed and laid next to Illusion.

"I know she's a horde spy but no one believes me, you believe me don't you?"Illusion asked echo.

Echo nodded.

"Of course,She smells like a Shapeshifter"Echo replied "they have a very distinct scent"

Illusion smiled and brought echo into a cuddle.

"Thank you Echo"


Adora sighed and held her head in her hands.

Yet another screaming match with illusion,the girl had almost attacked Fluterina but Adora had stopped her and Illusion had screamed some colourful insults at Fluterina.

Fluterina had returned to her own room.

"Oh what am I going to do with her"Adora sighed as she sat opposite Glimmer.

Glimmer looked at Adora with sympathy.

"Maybe she could do some training to help get her anger out orr"Glimmer paused for a second "or let shadow weaver train her in Magic"

Adora sent a glare Glimmer's way.

"Of course not,she could have killed Illusion last time"Adora said growling before feeling bad.

"I'm sorry,I just don't know what's going on with her."Adora said.

Glimmer shrugged while Adora sighed and rested her head on the table.

adopting a demon (Shera oc/persona insert)Where stories live. Discover now