illusion in love

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Illusions Pov:

I was training with Adora.

Crystal was with us too.

I roared and pawed at adora who Giggled and started to fight me.

Training was fun.

I was winning but she over powered me quickly.

I giggled as we then started play fighting.

"Hey"My mother said as I playfully nipped her.

I giggled but that's when I smelt something.

I sniffed again.

It smelt like me but different.

It smelt like fresh fallen pine needles,demon aura and something else.

I took off running towards it confusing crystal and Adora.

"Illusion?"Adora asked confused.

I ran through the foliage tracking the scent.

It was getting stronger so it was getting near.

I suddenly heard something behind me.

I looked around and saw nothing.

Suddenly something ran into me.

I looked up seeing a pair of beautiful turquoise eyes.

I felt my tail starting to wag.

She had long brownish blonde hair with a streak of turquoise green,pale skin.

"Your beautiful"I said Blushing as I covered my mouth as my tail wagged.

The other demon tilted her head and sniffed me as I sniffed her.

She smelt like the scent from before

"Who are you"She asked.

Her tail was more wolf like,she must be a lups Denon.

"Illusion"I answered blushing.

"Illu where are!"I heard my mother yell and a small chirp from crystal.

I saw my mother and crystal appear as Adora held her sword.

The new demon growled and snarled and flew away.

I tried to follow her but she was gone.

I Growled sadly and followed adora back to bright moon.

No Pov:

Adora was telling the rebellion about the other demon they found.

"A new demon"perfuma squealed.

"It seemed to like illusion"Adora said.

Illusion ran over to her smiling and maybe a little more feral than normal, licking off slober.

"What's with all the slober"Adora laughed.

"Don't you get it,she's in love"Spinerella said happily.

Illusion ran around happily knocking down chairs.

"Alright alright we'll find her"Adora smiled as Illusion love struck face smiled as her tail wagged happily.

adora got on swift wind and illusion on crystal as they took off flying.

"We'll find her*Adora said as they flew.

Illusion smelt something and then she jumped off crystals back letting her wings form.

"Illusion!"Adora yelled but it was too late she was gone.

adopting a demon (Shera oc/persona insert)Where stories live. Discover now