the frozen Forrest part one

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An:Sorry for lack of updates, school took priority as well as had some writters block but I'm going to hopefully get the frozen Forrest part one out tomorrow or at least the day after.

As well as I may start an au book with the sounds and Adora,l did try before but it didn't turn out right but l'm going to try again

Illusions Pov:

I fought some of the bots entering the whispering woods.Mom or Adora had let me  go into battle with the other Princesses while she trained."Hey, robot face, watch where you step."I yelled as I shot a red beam at the bot.

"Incoming."I heard bow shout as a bot jumps towards him.

" Got it."mermista grunted.I kept shooting at the bots as Glimmer helped me.

" Sorry, Frosta."Perfuma yelled at the small princess."Wow, flower princesses can't aim."mermista joked as I laughed.

" I'm working on it."Perfuma yelled going red."Look out!"frosta yelled."Got it."I yelled transforming into a dragon and carrying up into the sky.

"I yelled transforming into a dragon and carrying up into the sky

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"Thanks for dropping in."I grunted as I landed after dropping the robot.

"Dropping in, because you dropped him from the sky. Good one."frosta laughed at my joke.

I saw Glimmer Teleport her father's staff into her hand.

" How'd you do that?"frosta yelled at Glimmer excitedly.

Glimmer Shouted in suprise from Frosta scaring her.

"Can you teleport anything you want? Like a cannon? I can make ice cannonballs."Frosts said excitedly "and can you show more Demon powers"She jumped up and down excitedly pointing at me.

"What? No. Just the staff. It was my dad's and Illusion shouldn't-- Ugh."Glimmer Groaned."you ok sparkles"I asked.

"Actually, I was sort of in the middle of something here. Do you mind?"Glimmer retorted to Frosta.

" It's more effective if you hit their core processing unit."Frosta said.

"Can't you just stay out the way,geez child"I said."hey your a child too"Frosta retorted."technically I'm not"I smirked pointing at myself.

"Ugh. I know. I was about to--"Sparkles Groaned

"Hey. There's another one. Let's get it."the child yelled.

Glimmer Groaned from Frosta running away."it's ok just ignore it."I said patting sparkles back as she glared at me as I smiled teasingly, Glimmer only able to see my eyes.

"The poor woods."Perfuma cried"They'll never be able to regrow if the bots keep attacking."

Frosta Destroyed a  bot that Bow was inspecting as I rolled my eyes.I was never this bad when I was her age.right.but to be fair I didn't grow up with anyone, only the woods.

adopting a demon (Shera oc/persona insert)Where stories live. Discover now