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An:in place of roll with it.

Illusions Pov:

I trecked through the forests of bright moon.

I had followed the scent of a rabbit that I was hunting.

Mom didn't let me join her in planning the raid on the horde.she said it was 'too dangerous'for me.

I kept sniffing around Until I found it.

I krept Through the foliage in a hunters crouch and made my way towards the brown creature.

I Growled as I krept forward silently.

I flexed my claws as I got ready to pounce, sliding my mask to my chin.

I bared my teeth as I ran at the rabbit as quick as I could on all fours.

The rabbit darted as I chased it.

I ran after it following behind it.

I could tell he was tiring.

I bit the leg of the rabbit injecting a small bit of venom into it.

The rabbit still ran but was staring to stagger.

I followed behind it as the rabbit stared to shake and then fall as I watched it die.

I pouched on it and bit it as it bled,the last bit of life sweeping out from the blood loss.

I purred happily and picked it up in my jaws.

I made my way to my back to bright moon  as I trotted past the tent my mom was in.

I could hear them all arguing.

I trotted back to my room passing Angella.

"Illusion what do you have?"She asked.

I turned and showed her the wild rabbit hanging from my jaws.

She coved her mouth like she was going to be Sick.

"Ok you go do what you need to do"She wavered.

I left and went to my room to eat.

I quickly finished the rabbit and moved the bones to another location.

I laid in my nest of stolen goods.

Adoras Pov:

I walked into my room as I was tired.

I climbed into bed as I felt something poke me.

I looked down and saw bones.

I screamed.


adopting a demon (Shera oc/persona insert)Where stories live. Discover now