Princess prom part one

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No Pov:

Illusion was sitting down reading a book when she heard a noise from a couple of rooms over.Illusion got up just wanting some piece of quiet.

"Princess Prom! Princess Prom! Princess Prom! We are going to Princess Prom!"Bow and Glimmer were yelling."can you be quiet for five seconds"Illusion growled.,

"Illusion do you know what there going on about?"Adora asked."I lived in the forest for a good chunk of my life I don't know what is happening."Illusion said bluntly.

"Okay, you've gone crazy. I'll just come back later."Adora said going to leave."The ball is a meeting for all the princesses of Etheria."Bow said stopping her from leaving.

"And a giant party! Dancing, food, fancy dresses."Glimmer yelled like an exited puppy."Dancing?"Adora said.

"you know dancing"Illusion teased"the thing you do with your hands,feet and body.".Adora smiled at her.

"I know what dancing is Illusion"Adora said before scruffing her hair up."It only happens once a decade. I've been waiting years for this!"Glimmer said clapping her hands together.

"Uh, I'm only a princess sometimes, so are you sure I should even go?"Adora asked."Of course! Every princess is invited! That includes you!"Glimmer said."oh and what about me"Illusion said lifting an eyebrow.

"you too Illusion"Glimmer said to her."Oh yeah. It's all in the invite."Bow said looking at the long piece of parchment." Rules for greeting the hostess. Expected curtsy depth? Proper stair descending etiquette?"Adora said confusedly.

"oh so it's one of those parties."Illusion groaned."The ball has been going on for centuries."Bow said" There's a lot of etiquette stuff you gotta do before you can party.".

" It's gonna be so much fun! And Princess Frosta is hosting it this year in the Kingdom of Snows! Her magic is incredibly powerful. She'd be a huge get for The Rebellion!"Glimmer said quickly.

Adora whimpered as Illusion got up knowing she'll be dragged into this and followed Glimmer and Bow out.

"Don't worry! I'll be with you and so will Bow 'cause he's going as my plus one!"Glimmer said.

"Uh actually--"Bow said before being interrupted."It's the best friend squad in action! Right Bow?"Glimmer said happily."About that... I'm going with Perfuma."Bow said.

"What!?"Glimmer yelled."enough with the yelling"Illusion yelled before shushed by Adora.

"I didn't think it would be a big deal."Bow defended. "It's not. It's fine. I'm just surprised. When did you two even talk about it?"Glimmer asked.

"Oh, she was super slick."Bow said as she told everyone how she asked."That's super slick?"Illusion asked as she walked beside them to her room."I thought it'd be fun. And besides, Perfuma's cool, right?"Bow said as Illusion went in her room.

" She's fine. But we always go to events together. We have our whole routine."Glimmer complained sounding like a kicked puppy"We wear matching outfits, share inside jokes and eat ice cream afterwards. It's our thing."

Bow rolled his eyes"Well, there's nothing wrong with a new thing. I gotta get ready. We'll hang out there, okay?".Bow walked away"But I liked our old thing."Glimmer whispered as she walked past Adoras room.

Adora suddenly burst out of her room"Glimmer! Good. No time to waste!" Adora said as she took Glimmer into her bedroom"I think advance prep will be key to success. I've divided the rules into base parts. Dance rules, etiquette rules, rules for greeting the hostess.".Adora cleared her throat" I'm familiarizing myself with targets. Ask me anything.".

"Princess Frosta."Glimmer said looking at flash cards." Ruler of The Kingdom of Snows, has the biggest kingdom outside of Bright Moon, neutral in the fight against the Horde."Adora said pointing at a board" Allies with the Star Sisters who are friends with Mermista, but not Sweet Bee who is dating Peekablue as you can tell by the string. Up means friends, down means frenemies. And I made an obstacle course! I'm feeling good! I'm prepared for any and all scenarios. I am so ready for this ball."Adora said showing an obstacle course.

" Great! What are you wearing?"Glimmer asked."I was just gonna go as She-Ra. I mean, she has better hair."Adora said "I don't know about Illusion but I found some dresses she might like."As soon as Adora said they heard a yell.

"I'm not wearing a dress!"Illusion yelled.Which caused Glimmer and Adora to laugh."Well, you can't go as She-Ra. They have a strict no weapons rule."Glimmer said pointing at the letter" Neutral ground and all. So, you'll have to leave your sword at the door."

" Ugh, how are there more parts to this invite?"Adora groaned.glimmer then had an idea."You know what this means?"Glimmer gasped."That clothes don't matter and I should keep on studying?"Adora said."It's makeover time!!"Glimmer yelled.


Adora went to Illusions door with Glimmer."Illusion you ready."Adora asked."yep hold on"Illusion said annoyed.The door swung open to reveal Illusion.

She had a red suit and trousers with a white shirt and red bow

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She had a red suit and trousers with a white shirt and red bow."aww look how cute you look"Adora cooed motherly at Illusion who instantly swatted her hand away from her hair.

"wait are you wearing the mask?"Glimmer asked.Illusion sighed and took the mask off which caused Glimmer to Gasp.Adora had already seen her without her mask.

Illusion now had bright blood red eyes and longer horns,pointy ears and much bushier hair."Im keeping it on me though"Illusion said as she put her hands in her blazer pockets and left.

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