the frozen Forrest part two

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An:Im going to be updating adopting a Demon abit more now

No pov:

Okay. We'll split up to cover the most ground."Glimmer spoke to the Rebellion"Adora, Illusion, Bow and I will go east. Mermista and Perfuma, you go west.  Swift Wind, cover the sky and tell us when there's a bot nearby."

"And, remember, we want an intact bot."bow said dragging the T.

"What if it's just, like, a little waterlogged?"mermista said.

"What if it's a little burnt"Illusion said as she made a little flame in her hands.

"And also covered in ferns that secrete corrosive poison?"Perfuma butted in.

Frosta pops out suddenly from behind Perfuma.

"Or what if it's totally smashed by my ice hammer?"She exclaimed.

" Frosta!" Glimmer sighed"  You're supposed to be defending the castle with Netossa and Spinnerella."

"I know I ignored orders, but, no offense, those orders were wrong.  You need me here."frosta said.

"You can't just run off whenever you want."Glimmer yelled.

"But I did. And I'm here now. And I'm not going back."Frosts said back.

"Fine. You can be in Mermista and Perfuma's patrol."Glimmer said to her.

"I'm going with you."

"Don't push your luck."

The heroes make their way farther into the woods.  Hiding behind foliage at the edge of a clearing, they observe one of Entrapta’s new, larger robots, scuttling on its three spiky legs, thoroughly and efficiently scanning the woods around it with the turreted electronic eye atop its half-dome body.  Bow eyes it with some trepidation.

"Uh, guys?  That thing is way more advanced than usual."bow said shakily.

"Where is it going? Why isn't it attacking the woods?"Illusion asked looking at the bot

Adora impulsively springs out and attacks the bot, leaping onto its flat upper surface and impaling it with her sword . It shuts down.  She taps its turret, and it is still.

"Mom!"Illusion screamed as she pointed at the bot.

"I'm fine Illu, It's still just a Horde bot. We know how to handle--"adora said.

She was  interrupted as the bot suddenly restarts and throws her violently off.  Her friends hurry up to her, as she shakes herself out of her daze.

"Okay."Adora coughed as Illusion helped her up" That's new."

The bot approaches and towers above them.  Glimmer teleports over it, and with a battle-cry, slams her staff into its “face.”

"Ha!"glimmer laughed.

The Bot reaches up with one of its legs, grabs Glimmer in a pincer, and tosses her into the woods.

"It's learning!"Illusion screamed as the bot doged her fire and tried to step on her before Adora grabbed her out the way.

"Yeah, well, I'm about to teach it something for trying to hurt my daughter."Adora yelled

  "For the honor of Grayskull!"

Adora transforms to She-Ra, and rushes at it, deflecting its energy bolts back at it and relentlessly smashing it with her sword.  The bot tosses her a distance away, and as she recovers, it flips over, runs at her and smashes down, trapping her on the ground.  It then begins to emit a loud alarm sound that echoes through the woods.  After a few moments, She-Ra breaks free by kicking the bot high overhead.  It lands heavily, its legs shattering.  She stands, smiling proudly, facing the others.  Bow looks stricken.

adopting a demon (Shera oc/persona insert)Where stories live. Discover now