ties that bind part one

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Illusions Pov:

"What do you mean? "Entrapta's alive"?"Glimmer yelled as I sat there.Adora had forced me into the bath as I was muddy and now I had a bow on my tail.

"I couldn't figure out how the Horde was making such big technological advances. But it all makes sense now."bow said back "They must be holding Entrapta prisoner. I found First Ones tech in this bot. This is what Entrapta was experimenting on before she..."

"Before we left her behind in the Fright Zone."I finished for them.

"We didn't know."bow yelled at me as I raised an eyebrow.

" It doesn't matter. We should have gone back for her. We should've tried. She got captured trying to save us. Well, we're not just leaving her there now. We've got to rescue her."glimmer said to bow.

"How? We can't just walk into the Fright Zone. That's how we got in this mess in the first place."Bow squealed

"I agree with bow boy here"I said as glimmer glared at me as I glared back putting my mask back on as I felt my horns shrink.

"Maybe we don't have to. Look."glimmer said pointing at a map

" No, the Horde took Dryl."bow whispered.

" We just got word. The Horde has Entrapta, now they have Dryl. The timing can't be a coincidence."I said looking at the map.

"Of course. They're making her use her own lab."bow yelled.

"We're going to Crypto Castle, we'll find Entrapta and bring her back. No Princess left behind."glimmer said as I nodded determinedly.

"Yes! Totally on board. Let's get Adora."Bow said

"My mom is out training with Light Hope."I answered.

"What about the other Princesses?"bow asked.

"There busy"I said

"Well then let's go"Glimmer said dragging me by my collar.


"Entrapta got taken trying to save us, Bow. I'm not going to be responsible for losing anyone else."Glimmer said determinedly.

"Any sign of Entrapta in the castle?"bow asked

"Nothing. And as usual that place is impossible to navigate."Glimmer yelled.

I heard a yawn so I ducked so my horns weren't seen.

A communications pad beeps

"Hello? Please say you're on your way back. I need backup! Entrapta's new invention has lost it!"

"Bot #437 seems to be having some sort of existential crisis. Down, boy, down!"

" Pull it together Kyle, you're fine."Catra said.

"Stop it! Please, why are you doing this to me?"

"Entrapta, she's really alive."bow gasped.

"And they're hurting her."Glimmer Growled

"Wait!"I whisper yelled.

"Where is she?"glimmer yelled as we all started fighting.

While glimmer fought scorpia,me and bow fought catra.I Growled as Catra grabbed a hold of me and scratched me.I Growled before whacking her.

" Glimmer we've got to get out of her now!"I yelled.

"Get them!"Catra Growled

Glimmer then fought them away firing magic.

"Wait. Isn't this where we started?"I said shaking my head from how dizzy I was from the punch I had received.

" I hate this place!"Glimmer yelled.

"Acting like a kid now glimmer"I smirked as glimmer glared at me.

"I see the rebels have sent their finest."Catra laughed.

Glimmer and Catra started grunting and shouting.

Glimmer then teleported us.I saw  Glimmer fall over as bow went over to her.

"Glimmer, wake up!"Bow yelled tapping her face.

" What did you just do to me?"I heard someone yell.

I saw bow launch at her as I heard thudding.

"Get back."I heard bow said to Catra as I watched them fight.

I launched at catra and pinned her down and let out a growl,I saw fear in her eyes.

"We took a hostage! We're supposed to be the good guys. Maybe we should just let her go..."bow trailed off.

"Let her go? Did she let us go? No! She let the Horde torture us."glimmer said

"And she shot me!"I yelled looking at her.

"Uh, yeah, because she's a bad guy."Bow said 

"Listen. We didn't mean for this to happen. But it did ,and now we should use it to our advantage."glimmer said" We're taking you to Bright Moon. If your people want you back they'll have to give us Entrapta."

"Entrapta? Who's that?"Catra said in mocked confusion as I glared at her.

"We know you have her! Where is she? What are you doing to her?"I yelled at her tapping her forehead with my claws.

"Glimmer."bow said

"Ohhh, Entrapta. You mean the Princess you left behind to die? Ha. Don't worry. We're taking good care of her."Catra laughed.

"On your feet Horde scum."glimmer yelled.

"Whoops. I can't walk. Unless you want to untie me."Catra said pretending to fall over.

"Nice try. I'll just teleport us there."glimmer said.

"Uh, Glimmer, can I talk to you real quick? Bright Moon is pretty far away. Shouldn't you wait until we get closer to teleport us there? You don't want to run out of power and get us stuck out here. Especially with her."Bow whispered.

"Fine."glimmer said.

"Wow for once sparkles is listening"I laughed.

"Shut up Illusion"

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