Dare 13 Evie

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Idea from BadBitxh_Beast

Evie's castle

Carlos: (comes in) Evie.
Evie: Oh my god Carlos.
Carlos: Sorry Evie but your got a dare.
Evie: What.
Carlos: You have to kiss Jay on the lips.
Evie: Ew ew gross.
Carlos: Yeah I know.
Evie: Where is he.
Carlos: Downstairs.
Evie: Ok.


Evie: Hey Jay.
Jay: Hi.
Evie: (kisses him)
Jay: What hell Evie what was that for. You know you have a boyfriend.
Carlos: Yeah Evie what the hell.
Evie: Carlos.
Carlos: What I'm to busy sending a video of you guys kissing to Doug.
Evie: Don't you dare.
Carlos: I'm kidding.
Jay: Evie why'd you kiss me.
Evie: It was a dare.
Jay: Of course why did I think of that.

Thanks for reading and thanks Nikki for the dare. Sorry this was a bit short and that I haven't posted in a while I've been in the writing mood. Please comment more ideas.

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