Truth 17 Hades

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Idea from me

Hades' Underground Lair

Mal: (knocks on her dad's front door)
Hades: (answers) Hey Mali! (sees Ben in looks at him in disgust) Hello Benjamin.
Mal: Dad! Leave him be.
Hades: Fine come in Mali, you too Ben. If you must.
Mal: (turns to Ben) Sorry Babe.
Ben: (whispers) It's ok.
Hades: (leads then into the deathing-room) How May I help you?
Mal: Well you got a truth.
Hades: (sarcastically) Oh goodie! I haven't played this in a long time.
Mal: Yeah yeah whatever. Anyway should I tell you the truth?
Hades: Ok.
Mal: Ben would you like to?
Ben: (shakes his head in fear)
Mal: (laughs) Ok then. Your question is do you really hate Ben or is it all pretend.
Hades: What! Of course I do! He's a just a terrible person.
Mal: Dad.
Hades: Ok I don't. I'm just protective. I don't want you do get hurt.
Ben: You know I would never intentionally want to hurt Mal.
Hades: I don't recall asking you up speak.
Mal: Dad.
Hades: Alright, sorry Mali.
Mal: Dad, it's not me you have to apologize to.
Hades: Fine (muttering) I'm sorry Ben.
Mal: What was that?
Hades: (much clearer) I'm sorry Ben.
Mal: Much better. Let's go (leaves with Ben).

At the castle

Ben: I can't believe you got him to apologize.
Mal: It was no problem. He really annoys me with how he treats you. I mean we're married for Christ's sake. He needs to treat you better.
Ben: (kisses her softly) I love you.
Mal: Love you too.

Hey! It's been a while. This is my birthday week! So in celebration for tiring sixteen I'm going to try and post at least once everyday until my birthday in the 3rd (Sunday). I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have anymore ideas for this or any questions  for my Q&A book please comment them here, on my board, or message me.

Descendants_Bal4ever ♥️

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