Dare 31 Ben & Mal

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Idea from SashaHillGayle

Mal: (enters her room) Hey!
Ben: Hey!
Mal: You're about to get payback from the last dare.
Ben: Interesting...
Mal: We have to kiss in front of them this time.
Ben: That's not really that bad.
Mal: (jokingly) Wow thanks Babe!
Ben: (laughs a little) I just main it won't be to awkward for us, I mean they've seen us this before.
Mal: I know, but I think it had to be like a proper kiss.
Ben: Right well, let's go then.

Belle and Adam's room

Ben: (knocks)
Adam: (opens) Well hello son. Nice to see you Mal.
Mal: Ben came to get his revenge.
Belle: (also comes to the door) How so?
Ben: You now have to watch us kiss.
Belle: Ohhh.
Adam: This will be weird.
Ben: We'll now you know how I feel!
Mal: Ready?
Ben: Yep! (leans to kiss her)


Mal: That wasn't to bad.
Ben: Definitely better than the last time.

Hey! Thanks for reading, and thanks to SashaHillGayle for the idea, if you would like to have your truth or dare in the next chapter please comment below.


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