Dare 30 Belle & Adam (Plus Ben)

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Idea from me

Mal: (enters her room and sits down next to her husband) Hey babe!
Ben: Hey! (kisses her sweetly after she next to her)
Mal: Your parents got a dare.
Ben: Good, they hardly get any.
Mal: Yeah not sure you're going to like this one.
Ben: Why?
Mal: You're sort of in it.
Ben: What is it.
Mal: They have to kiss in front of you. For a whole minute.
Ben: How is that a dare for them! This is worse in me than it is for them.
Mal: Sorry babe.

Belle & Adam's room

Mal: (knocks)
Belle: (opens) Hey darlings.
Ben: Hi mom.
Belle: Geez, what's gotten him so annoyed?
Mal: You got a dare.
Belle: Oh god! But why is that bad for him?
Mal: It's worse on him than it is on you.
Ben: Yep!
Belle: What is it?
Mal: You and Adam have to kiss in front of Ben for a minute straight.
Belle: Ohhh, that sounds fun.
Ben: Not for me.
Adam: (walks towards his bedroom door) Oh! Hey you two. What's up?
Ben: Dare.
Adam: What is it.
Belle: We have to kiss for a minute straight in front of Ben.
Adam: That sounds worse for him than us.
Mal: You should probably just get on with it, the longer he waits the worse it will get.
Adam: Do you have to watch to?
Mal: No but I-
Ben: Please don't leave!
Mal: I have to stay cause of that.
Adam: Gotcha. Ready?
Belle: Yep! (leans down to her husband and starts kissing him passionately.
Ben: This is tourture.
Mal: It will be over soon.
Ben: I know.

A few minutes later

Ben: I hated every minute of that.
Mal: We'll it was only the one minute.
Ben: Still.
Mal: It's the creator. She's had to come up with all these herself, except for the odd few, no one's helping her come up with ideas.
Ben: Hopefully that will change soon.

Thank for reading, as Ben and Mal said, please comment ideas so I don't run out completely. Thanks again.


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