Dare 33 Jane

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Idea from me

Carlos and Jane's apartment

Carlos: Jane, you got a dare.
Jane: Oh god what is it?
Carlos: Tell your mom you're pregnant.
Jane: Oh god!
Carlos: Good luck!
Jane: You're coming with me!
Carlos: Oh shit!!

Fairy Godmother's house

Jane: (knocks on her mother door) Hi mom!
FG: Oh hi dear! How are you?
Jane: Good.
FG: Wonderful, and you Carlos?
Carlos: Good thank you Fairy Godmother.
FG: Come in, come in.
Jane: So mom, we kind of have some news.
FG: Yes. What is it?
Jane: I'm pregnant.
FG: Oh my! That's fantastic!
Carlos: You're alright with that?
FG: Of course! Why wouldn't I be? You're in a stable relationship, with a good income. I know it's not the most convenient time but still.
Jane: Mom, it was a dare. I'm sorry.
FG: It's alright dear, I hope one day though.
Carlos: I'm sure it will, one day.

Hey? H thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed and please leave any suggestions you have I N the comments. Thank you so much!


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