Dare 7 Evie

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From summikogurashi

Evie's starter castle

Carlos: (goes into Evie's sewing room with Jay). Evie.
Evie: (shocked). Carlos. Jay.
Jay: You got a dare.
Evie: What.
Carlos: In front of everyone.
Jay: You have to say you've been cheating on Doug with Ben.
Evie: But I haven't.
Jay: Duh.
Carlos: Ben can't even look at another women but his wife.
Jay: Let's go and tell them.
Carlos: Bring Doug.
Evie: Ok I'll go get her.

The castle

Evie: Guys I've got to tell you something:
Everyone: What is it.
Jay: Tell us.
Carlos: Yeah Evie what is it.
Evie: Doug I cheated on you.
Everyone: What.
Doug: You chested on me.
Evie: With Ben.
Mal and Doug: (sad). Evie Ben.
Ben: What are you talking about.
Mal: Wait Ben you don't know what she's talking about.
Ben: No Babe I never did any thing with her.
Mal: So you cheated and thought your boyfriend would break up you. So you said that it was with my husband so we'd both be single.
Evie: What no it was a dare.
Doug: Thank god.

Thank you please comment more ideas preferably a truth.

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